An Attempt At Demystifying Bayesian Deep Learning

Eric J. Ma


PyData NYC 2017

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I am out to solve Point 4.

The Obligatory Neon Bayes Rule Sign

My (Modest) Goals

  • Demystify Deep Learning
  • Demystify Bayesian Deep Learning

Basically, explain the intuition clearly with minimal jargon.

Take-Home Point 1

Deep Learning is nothing more than compositions of functions on matrices.

Take-Home Point 2

Bayesian deep learning is grounded on learning a probability distribution for each parameter.


  1. Linear Regression 3 Ways
  2. Logistic Regression 3 Ways
  3. Deep Nets 3 Ways
  4. Going Bayesian
  5. Example Neural Network with PyMC3

Linear Regression



Neural Diagram

LinReg 3 Ways

Logistic Regression



Neural Diagram

LogReg 3 Ways

Deep Neural Networks



Neural Diagram

DeepNets 3 Ways

Going Bayesian

Key Idea: Learn probability density over parameter space.

Bayesian Linear Regression


From this... this

Bayesian Logistic Regression

From this... this

Bayesian Deep Nets

From this... this

Cheat Sheet

Probabilistic Programming in Python. Provides:

  • statistical distributions
  • sampling algorithms
  • syntax

Predict Forest Cover Type

Problem Overview

  • UCI ML Repository: Covertype Dataset
  • Input: 66 cartographic variables
  • Output: one of 7 forest cover types

Network Architecture

                            import theano.tensor as tt  # pymc devs are discussing new backends
                            import pymc3 as pm

                            n_hidden = 20

                            with pm.Model() as nn_model:
                                # Input -> Layer 1
                                weights_1 = pm.Normal('w_1', mu=0, sd=1,
                                                      shape=(ann_input.shape[1], n_hidden),
                                acts_1 = pm.Deterministic('activations_1',
                                                          tt.tanh(, weights_1)))

                                # Layer 1 -> Layer 2
                                weights_2 = pm.Normal('w_2', mu=0, sd=1,
                                                      shape=(n_hidden, n_hidden),
                                acts_2 = pm.Deterministic('activations_2',
                                                          tt.tanh(, weights_2)))

                                # Layer 2 -> Output Layer
                                weights_out = pm.Normal('w_out', mu=0, sd=1,
                                                        shape=(n_hidden, ann_output.shape[1]),
                                acts_out = pm.Deterministic('activations_out',
                                                            tt.nnet.softmax(, weights_out)))  # noqa

                                # Define likelihood
                                out = pm.Multinomial('likelihood', n=1, p=acts_out,

                            with nn_model:
                                s = theano.shared(pm.floatX(1.1))
                                inference = pm.ADVI(cost_part_grad_scale=s)  # approximate inference done using ADVI
                                approx =, method=inference)
                                trace = approx.sample(5000)

1st Layer Weights

2nd Layer Weights

Output Weights

Class Predictions

"point estimate"

Class Probabilities

"probabilistic estimate"

Class Uncertainties

"with uncertainties!"

Take-Home Point 1

Deep Learning is nothing more than compositions of functions on matrices.

Take-Home Point 2

Bayesian deep learning is grounded on learning a probability distribution for each parameter.



  • David Duvenaud
  • Michelle Fullwood
  • Thomas Wiecki

People to Follow

  • David MacKay
  • Yarin Gal

Thank you!