Chapter 2: The NetworkX API
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In this chapter, we will introduce you to the NetworkX API. This will allow you to create and manipulate graphs in your computer memory, thus giving you a language to more concretely explore graph theory ideas.
Throughout the book, we will be using different graph datasets to help us anchor ideas. In this section, we will work with a social network of seventh graders. Here, nodes are individual students, and edges represent their relationships. Edges between individuals show how often the seventh graders indicated other seventh graders as their favourite.
The data are taken from the Konect graph data repository
Data Model
In NetworkX, graph data are stored in a dictionary-like fashion.
They are placed under a Graph
canonically instantiated with the variable G
as follows:
G = nx.Graph()
Of course, you are free to name the graph anything you want!
Nodes are part of the attribute G.nodes
There, the node data are housed in a dictionary-like container,
where the key is the node itself
and the values are a dictionary of attributes.
Node data are accessible using syntax that looks like:
Edges are part of the attribute G.edges
which is also stored in a dictionary-like container.
Edge data are accessible using syntax that looks like:
G.edges[node1, node2]
Load Data
Let's load some real network data to get a feel for the NetworkX API. This dataset comes from a study of 7th grade students.
> This directed network contains proximity ratings between students > from 29 seventh grade students from a school in Victoria. > Among other questions the students were asked > to nominate their preferred classmates for three different activities. > A node represents a student. > An edge between two nodes shows that > the left student picked the right student as his or her answer. > The edge weights are between 1 and 3 > and show how often the left student chose the right student as his/her favourite.
In the original dataset, students were from an all-boys school. However, I have modified the dataset to instead be a mixed-gender school.
import networkx as nx
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings
from nams import load_data as cf
G = cf.load_seventh_grader_network()
Understanding a graph's basic statistics
When you get graph data, one of the first things you'll want to do is to check its basic graph statistics: the number of nodes and the number of edges that are represented in the graph. This is a basic sanity-check on your data that you don't want to skip out on.
Querying graph type
The first thing you need to know is the type
of the graph:
Because the graph is a DiGraph
this tells us that the graph is a directed one.
If it were undirected, the type would change:
H = nx.Graph()
Querying node information
Let's now query for the nodeset:
returns a "view" on the nodes.
We can't actually slice into the view and grab out a sub-selection,
but we can at least see what nodes are present.
For brevity, we have sliced into G.nodes()
passed into a list()
so that we don't pollute the output.
Because a NodeView
is iterable, though,
we can query it for its length:
If our nodes have metadata attached to them,
we can view the metadata at the same time
by passing in data=True
G.nodes(data=True) returns a NodeDataView
which you can see is dictionary-like.
Additionally, we can select out individual nodes:
Now, because a NodeDataView
is dictionary-like,
looping over G.nodes(data=True)
is very much like looping over key-value pairs of a dictionary.
As such, we can write things like:
for n, d in G.nodes(data=True):
# n is the node
# d is the metadata dictionary
This is analogous to how we would loop over a dictionary:
for k, v in dictionary.items():
# do stuff in the loop
Naturally, this leads us to our first exercise.
Exercise: Summarizing node metadata
> Can you count how many males and females are represented in the graph?
from import node_metadata
mf_counts = node_metadata(G)
Test your implementation by checking it against the test_answer
function below.
from typing import Dict
def test_answer(mf_counts: Dict):
assert mf_counts['female'] == 17
assert mf_counts['male'] == 12
With this dictionary-like syntax, we can query back the metadata that's associated with any node.
Querying edge information
Now that you've learned how to query for node information, let's now see how to query for all of the edges in the graph:
Similar to the NodeView
, G.edges()
returns an EdgeView
that is also iterable.
As with above, we have abbreviated the output inside a sliced list
to keep things readable.
Because G.edges()
is iterable, we can get its length to see the number of edges
that are present in a graph.
Likewise, we can also query for all of the edge's metadata:
Additionally, it is possible for us to select out individual edges, as long as they exist in the graph:
G.edges[15, 10]
This yields the metadata dictionary for that edge.
If the edge does not exist, then we get an error:
>>> G.edges[15, 16]
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-ce014cab875a> in <module>
----> 1 G.edges[15, 16]
~/anaconda/envs/nams/lib/python3.7/site-packages/networkx/classes/ in __getitem__(self, e)
928 def __getitem__(self, e):
929 u, v = e
--> 930 return self._adjdict[u][v]
932 # EdgeDataView methods
KeyError: 16
As with the NodeDataView
, the EdgeDataView
is dictionary-like,
with the difference being that the keys are 2-tuple-like
instead of being single hashable objects.
Thus, we can write syntax like the following to loop over the edgelist:
for n1, n2, d in G.edges(data=True):
# n1, n2 are the nodes
# d is the metadata dictionary
Naturally, this leads us to our next exercise.
Exercise: Summarizing edge metadata
> Can you write code to verify > that the maximum times any student rated another student as their favourite > is 3 times?
from import edge_metadata
maxcount = edge_metadata(G)
Likewise, you can test your answer using the test function below:
def test_maxcount(maxcount):
assert maxcount == 3
Manipulating the graph
Great stuff! You now know how to query a graph for:
- its node set, optionally including metadata
- individual node metadata
- its edge set, optionally including metadata, and
- individual edges' metadata
Now, let's learn how to manipulate the graph. Specifically, we'll learn how to add nodes and edges to a graph.
Adding Nodes
The NetworkX graph API lets you add a node easily:
G.add_node(node, node_data1=some_value, node_data2=some_value)
Adding Edges
It also allows you to add an edge easily:
G.add_edge(node1, node2, edge_data1=some_value, edge_data2=some_value)
Metadata by Keyword Arguments
In both cases, the keyword arguments that are passed into .add_node()
are automatically collected into the metadata dictionary.
Knowing this gives you enough knowledge to tackle the next exercise.
Exercise: adding students to the graph
> We found out that there are two students that we left out of the network,
> student no. 30 and 31.
> They are one male (30) and one female (31),
> and they are a pair that just love hanging out with one another
> and with individual 7 (i.e. count=3
), in both directions per pair.
> Add this information to the graph.
from import adding_students
G = adding_students(G)
You can verify that the graph has been correctly created by executing the test function below.
def test_graph_integrity(G):
assert 30 in G.nodes()
assert 31 in G.nodes()
assert G.nodes[30]['gender'] == 'male'
assert G.nodes[31]['gender'] == 'female'
assert G.has_edge(30, 31)
assert G.has_edge(30, 7)
assert G.has_edge(31, 7)
assert G.edges[30, 7]['count'] == 3
assert G.edges[7, 30]['count'] == 3
assert G.edges[31, 7]['count'] == 3
assert G.edges[7, 31]['count'] == 3
assert G.edges[30, 31]['count'] == 3
assert G.edges[31, 30]['count'] == 3
print('All tests passed.')
Coding Patterns
These are some recommended coding patterns when doing network analysis using NetworkX, which stem from my personal experience with the package.
Iterating using List Comprehensions
I would recommend that you use the following for compactness:
[d['attr'] for n, d in G.nodes(data=True)]
And if the node is unimportant, you can do:
[d['attr'] for _, d in G.nodes(data=True)]
Iterating over Edges using List Comprehensions
A similar pattern can be used for edges:
[n2 for n1, n2, d in G.edges(data=True)]
[n2 for _, n2, d in G.edges(data=True)]
If the graph you are constructing is a directed graph, with a "source" and "sink" available, then I would recommend the following naming of variables instead:
[(sc, sk) for sc, sk, d in G.edges(data=True)]
[d['attr'] for sc, sk, d in G.edges(data=True)]
Further Reading
For a deeper look at the NetworkX API, be sure to check out the NetworkX docs.
Further Exercises
Here's some further exercises that you can use to get some practice.
Exercise: Unrequited Friendships
> Try figuring out which students have "unrequited" friendships, that is, > they have rated another student as their favourite at least once, > but that other student has not rated them as their favourite at least once.
Hint: the goal here is to get a list of edges for which the reverse edge is not present.
Hint: You may need the class method G.has_edge(n1, n2)
. This returns whether a graph has an edge between the nodes n1
and n2
from import unrequitted_friendships_v1
unrequitted_friendships = unrequitted_friendships_v1(G)
assert len(unrequitted_friendships) == 124
In a previous session at ODSC East 2018, a few other class participants provided the following solutions, which you can take a look at by uncommenting the following cells.
This first one by @schwanne is the list comprehension version of the above solution:
from import unrequitted_friendships_v2
# unrequitted_friendships_v2??
This one by @end0 is a unique one involving sets.
from import unrequitted_friendships_v3
# unrequitted_friendships_v3??
Solution Answers
Here are the answers to the exercises above.
import as solutions
import inspect