import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from causality_notes import noise, draw_graph
from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
This notebook serves to introduce the use of instrument variables, which can be used in linear models to figure out the effect of x
on y
in the absence of the ability to measure the known confounder.
Note: The method here was introduced to me via Jonas Peters' videos. I believe the assumption of linearity is a strong one: we must assume linear models, otherwise the math doesn't check out.
Assume we have the following model, specified via linear equations in NumPy code:
# Set up model with hidden coefficients (pretend that we know them for
# now) and instrument variable.
size = 1000
gamma = 2
alpha = 3
beta = 1
delta = -1
h = 2 * noise(size) # the hidden, unmeasured variable.
i = 4 * noise(size) # the instrument variable
x = delta * i + beta * h + 2 * noise(size)
y = gamma * h + alpha * x + 3 * noise(size)
Graphically, this looks like the following:
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_edge('x', 'y', coeff=alpha)
G.add_edge('h', 'y', coeff=gamma)
G.add_edge('h', 'x', coeff=beta)
G.add_edge('i', 'x', coeff=delta)
If we were to regress y directly on x, we would run into issues: Because we didn't measure the confounder variable h (believe me for a moment that this is assumed to be true), our coefficients will be way off.
To show this, first, let's create the pandas
DataFrame that will be used with statsmodels
data = dict(x=x, i=i, h=h, y=y)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Now, we regress y on x, and let's observe the output to see how good of a fit it is.
model = OLS.from_formula('y ~ x', data=df)
results =
We're close, but not really there. (Remember, though, we wouldn't know this in a real-world scenario, where we might have postulated the presence of a hidden variable but didn't have the know-how to go out and measure it.)
In the real-world scenario above, we might want to see if there's an instrument variable to help us out with this problem.
The use of an instrumental variable works as such: We first regress the instrument variable x on i, to obtain 'estimated' values of \delta i. We then regress y on \delta i, which gives us the coefficient alpha.
Don't believe me? Look at the math below:
As a structured causal equation, the graphical model can be expressed as such:
where n_{x} is the noise that generates uncertainty around x, and n_{y} is the noise that generates uncertainty around y.
Substuting x into the y (don't take my word for it, try it yourself!), we get:
The parentheses have been rearranged intentionally for the variable i. If we regress x on i, we will get an estimate for the value of \delta. By then multiplying \delta by i, we will get "fitted" values of i. We can then regress y on \delta i to get the value of \alpha, which is exactly what we want!
Enough in words, let's look at the code for this!
First, we regress x on i.
model = OLS.from_formula('x ~ i', data=df)
results =
Notice how we get an estimator that is kind of off. It isn't quite accurate, but my gut feeling tells me that's ok.
To create the fitted i, we multiply the learned regression parameter by the original values.
df['δi'] = df['i'] * results.params['i']
Then, we regress y on \delta i:
model = OLS.from_formula('y ~ δi', data=df)
results =
Voila! We get back the effect of x on y by use of this instrument variable i!
Really happy having seen that it works, and having seen some of the math that goes on behind it!
Now, all of this sounds good and nice, but it does seem a bit "magical", to say the least. After all, "linearity" does seem like a very strong assumption. Moreover, in order to use an instrument variable, we have to justify that it has:
- a causal effect on x,
- no causal effect on y, and
- no causal effect on h
Indeed, there is no free lunch here: we have to use background knowledge (or other means) to justify why i is a suitable instrument variable; simply asserting this point is not sufficient.
I would like to thank Maxmillian Gobel for pointing out linguistic inconsistencies in this notebook and raising them with me.