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d-separation is a key concept in causal inference.

Why is d-separation important? Looking at this page (by Pearl himself):

d-separation is a criterion for deciding, from a given a causal graph, whether a set X of variables is independent of another set Y, given a third set S. (I modified that last symbol for consistency here.)

%load_ext autoreload
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import networkx as nx
from causality_notes import draw_graph

To get into d-separation, we first have to understand paths and blocked paths.

One thing that I didn't grok immediately when reading Judea Pearl's book on Causality was that the difference between a path and a directed path. For me, coming in with a fairly shallow network science background, I could not see how "a path" could be traced from A to D in the following graph:

A \rightarrow B \leftarrow C \rightarrow D

By simply traversing the graph from A, we can only ever arrive at B... right?

Yes, but only if we accept the traditional "network science" definitions of a path. In causal inference, a path is just any undirected connection between variables; a directed path, on the other hand, has to follow the directions on the edges. Therefore, we have to consider the "undirected" version of the graph:

A - B - C - D

Mechanically, what we are doing when we finding out whether two nodes n_1 and n_2 are d-separated or not is to first start with the undirected version of the causal graph, then find every single path between the two nodes in the undirected graph, then see if there are blockers to independence between n_1 and n_2 in the directed version of the graph (as determined by three rules, which I will go through below).

This notebook is going to be structured as a hybrid between "my notes from Jonas Peters' lecture series" and "an exercise in implementing algorithms" related to d-separation and inferring causal structures from observational data (under certain assumptions).

Let's say we have the following causal structure:

G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_edge('x2', 'x1')
G.add_edge('x3', 'x1')
G.add_edge('x4', 'x3')
G.add_edge('x4', 'x5')
G.add_edge('x1', 'x5')

There are some definitions that we have to get clear with.

  • Path: Convert the graph to an undirected graph. Then ask if there is a connection between the two nodes or not.
  • Directed Path: Follow the arrows!
  • V-structure: An example in the above graph is x_1: it has two parents, x_3 and x_2 which are not connected by an arrow to each other.

From this, we then get to the definition of d-separation: Two nodes x_i and x_j are d-separated by the node set S if all paths between x_i and x_j are blocked by the node set S.

We also call node set S the "conditioning set".

There are three rules to determine this. For each node n in S, we check whether it looks like the following:

  1. \rightarrow n \rightarrow, where n is in the conditioning set S,
  2. \leftarrow n \rightarrow, where n is in the conditioning set S
  3. \rightarrow n \leftarrow, where n is not in the conditioning set S (these are the v-structures).

There is a supplemental rule:

  1. If n has a descendant that is in S, and n is not in S, then then x_i and x_j are not d-separated.

(recall: don't follow the arrows, as we're not referring to directed paths)


Example 1

Anchoring ourself in the above example, let's ask if x_2 and x_5 are d-separated by the node set S = \{x_1, x_4\}.

  1. x_1 lies on the path from x_2 to x_5, and looks like Rule #1.
  2. x_4 lies on the path from x_2 to x_5 (the path is x_2 \rightarrow x_1 \leftarrow x_3 \leftarrow x_4 \rightarrow x_5), and looks like Rule #2.

Therefore, by rules #1 and #2, \{x_2, x_5\} are d-separated by S = \{x_1, x_4\}.


Example 2

Let's ask if x_1 and x_4 are d-separated by the node set S = \{x_2, x_3\}.

  1. x_2 does not lie on a causal path from x_1 to x_4.
  2. x_3 lies on a causal path from x_1 to x_4 (the path is x_1 \leftarrow x_3 \leftarrow x_4), and looks like Rule #1.
  3. The other path from x_1 to x_4 is x_1 \rightarrow x_5 \leftarrow x_4, and x_5 is not in the node set S, therefore this looks like Rule #3.

Therefore, by rules #1 and #3, \{x_1, x_4\} are d-separated by S = \{x_2, x_3\}.


Example 3

Finally, let's ask if x_2 and x_4 are d-separated by the node set S = \{\}.

There are two sets of paths to go from x_2 to x_4:

  1. x_2 \rightarrow x_1 \rightarrow x_5 \leftarrow x_4
  2. x_2 \rightarrow x_1 \leftarrow x_3 \leftarrow x_4

In both cases, x_1 is not in node set S=\{\}, and looks like Rule #3.

Therefore, by rule #3, x_2 and x_4 are d-separated by S = \{\}.


From the above examples, I think I have a way of writing an algorithm that can automatically check for d-separation.

Firstly, we have to define the three rules as functions.

from causality_notes import rule1, rule2, rule3
# rule1??
# rule2??
# rule3??

Then, we define the d-separation algorithm.

Read through the code and comments to learn what's going on!

def d_separation(n1, n2, S, G: nx.DiGraph):
    Checks whether nodes n1 and n2 are d-separated by the set S.

    :param n1: A node in the graph G.
    :param n2: A node in the graph G.
    :param S: The conditioning set of interest.
    :param G: A NetworkX directed graph.
    :returns: (bool) dsep.
    # Defensive programming checks.
    def error(n):
        """Custom error message for assertions below."""
        return f"node {n} not in graph G"

    assert n1 in G.nodes(), error(n1)
    assert n2 in G.nodes(), error(n2)
    for n in S:
        assert n in G.nodes(), error(n)

    # First, we hold an undirected copy of the graph.
    Gpath = G.to_undirected()

    # Next, we check whether there is a path from node n1 to n2.
    assert nx.has_path(Gpath, n1, n2)

    # Next, we iterate over each path between n1 and n2, and check for the three rules.
    # Any one of the three rules has to be fulfilled on a path for the path to be
    # blocked by the set S.
    # However, blocking must occur on all paths, otherwise, the two nodes n1 and n2 are
    # not d-separated.
    paths_blocked = []
    for path in nx.all_simple_paths(G.to_undirected(), n1, n2):
        is_blocked = False
        for node in path:
            if node is not n1 and node is not n2:
                pass1 = rule1(node, S, G, path) 
                pass2 = rule2(node, S, G, path)
                pass3 = rule3(node, S, G, path)
                if (pass1 or pass2 or pass3):
                    is_blocked = True
    return all(paths_blocked)

Finally, let's run the test cases.

From the examples above, x_2 and x_5 are d-separated by \{x_1, x_4\}:

d_separation('x2', 'x5', set(['x1', 'x4']), G)

Also, x_1 and x_4 are d-separated by \{x_2, x_3\}:

d_separation('x1', 'x4', set(['x2', 'x3']), G)

Finally, x_2 and x_4 are d-separated by \{\} (an empty set of nodes):

d_separation('x2', 'x4', set([]), G)


The hard part about doing this manually is that it's difficult to manually enumerate all simple paths between two nodes on a graph. Like, tracing it and keeping it in memory is difficult. But implementing the rules as an algorithm helps.

A few more tests: Edges should not be d-separated.

for n1, n2 in G.edges():
    assert not d_separation(n1, n2, set([]), G)

Example 4

Let's try a different causal graph, G2, which is part of Example 3 in Pearl's d-separation without tears.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

G2 = nx.DiGraph()
edges = ['xr', 'rw', 'rs', 'st', 'tp', 'ut', 'vu', 'vq', 'vy']
edges = [(f'{i[0]}', f'{i[1]}') for i in edges]

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
pos = {'x': (1, 0), 'r': (2, 0), 's': (3, 0), 't': (4, 0),
       'u': (5, 0), 'v': (6, 0), 'y': (7, 0), 'w': (2, -1),
       'p' : (4, -1), 'q': (6, -1)}
# pos = nx.spring_layout(G2)
nx.draw(G2, pos=pos, with_labels=True, ax=ax)
ax.set_ylim(-2, 1)
ax.set_xlim(-1, 8)

In Pearl's page, he sets up a hypothetical regression of y on p, r and x:

y = c_1p + c_2r + c_3x

A priori, it is possible to know which regression coefficient is going to be zero, if we know the causal graph and assume that the relationship is linear.

To check whether c_3 will be zero, we ask whether y and x are d-separated by \{p, r\}:

d_separation('x', 'y', set(['r', 'p']), G2)

To check whether c_1 will be zero, we ask whether y and p are d-separated by \{r, x\}:

d_separation('p', 'y', set(['x', 'r']), G2)

To check whether c_2 will be zero, we ask whether y and r are d-separated by \{x, p\}:

d_separation('r', 'y', set(['x', 'p']), G2)

y and r are not d-separated (i.e. they are d-connected), because t, which is a collider (and would originally have blocked the path), has a descendant p that is part of the conditioning set.

So, why is this important? It allows us to state a thing called the "Markov condition":

The joint probability distribution P between two variables x_i and x_j is Markov w.r.t. the graph G if, for the conditioning set S:

x_i and x_j are d-separated by S in G.

\implies (implies) x_i is conditionally independent of x_j, conditioned on S.