I accelerate science to the speed of thought using deep learning, Bayesian statistics, and network science as my main toolkits.
The Hype of Deep Learning:
— Ferenc Huszár (@fhuszar) November 23, 2017
1. Write a post with ML, AI or GAN in the title.
2. post appears at the top of hackernews (despite your best efforts)
3. HN drives tens of thousands of clicks
4. "what's with all the maths? show me pretty pics"
5. <=1% stay for longer than a minute
I'm out to solve Point #4.
When you think of graphs, think networks❗️
All of deep learning operates on arrays.
How do we represent graphs as arrays?
Here is a molecule, represented as a graph.
Here is the same molecule, with numerical properties.
The table on the right is the node feature matrix.
We know how to represent nodes as arrays.
What about edges?
The adjacency matrix lets us represent edges.
This adjacency matrix shows 1️⃣s anywhere an edge exists.
Matrix is symmetric b/c graph is undirected!
This adjacency matrix shows the number of bonds between atoms.
Those two matrices, together, give a numerical representation of the graph.
Message passing on graphs is nothing more than dot products of matrices.
Message passing on graphs is nothing more than dot products of matrices.
import jax.numpy as np
def message_passing(A, F):
return, F)
We can take the result of message passing and feed them through neural network operations.
Sometimes, we need an operation to summarize nodes.
Putting everything together...
And that, my friends, is graph deep learning demystified!
A = np.array(...) # some NumPy array
F = np.array(...) # some NumPy array
G = (A, F)
def mp(G):
A, F = G
Z =, F)
return (A, Z)
def graph_summary(G):
_, F = G
return np.sum(F, axis=0)
def gnn_feedforward(params, G):
_, F = G
w, b = params
return relu(, w) + b)
def feedforward(params, x):
w, b = params
return relu(, w) + b)
def model(params, G):
G = mp(G)
G = gnn_feedforward(G, params["gnn"])
g = graph_summary(G)
return feedforward(params["ff"], g)
Regular convlution operations look a ton like message passing!
Node Feature Matrix
Adjacency Matrix