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Llamabot Zotero CLI Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will walk through the Llamabot Zotero CLI, a command-line interface for interacting with your Zotero library. This tool allows you to chat with a paper, retrieve keys, and download papers from your Zotero library.


Before we start, make sure you have llamabot installed in your environment:

pip install -U llamabot

Getting Started

First, we need to configure the Llamabot Zotero CLI environment variables. This is done using the configure command. You will be prompted to enter your Zotero library ID, API key, and library type.

llamabot zotero configure

Chatting with a Paper

To chat with a paper, use the chat command. You can specify the paper you want to chat about as an argument. If you don't provide a paper, you will be prompted to enter one.

llamabot zotero chat "The title of the paper"

If you want to specify a model, such as an Ollama model, you can do so directly at the command line too:

llamabot zotero chat "The title of the paper" --model vicuna:7b-16k

If you want to synchronize your Zotero library before chatting, you can use the --sync option.

llamabot zotero chat "The title of the paper" --sync

Retrieving Keys

When you chat with a paper, the Llamabot Zotero CLI will retrieve the keys for the paper. These keys are unique identifiers for each paper in your Zotero library. The keys are displayed in the console.

Downloading Papers

After retrieving the keys, you can choose a paper to download. You will be prompted to choose a paper from the list of keys. The paper will be downloaded to a temporary directory.

Please choose an option: The title of the paper

Asking Questions

Once the paper is downloaded, you can start asking questions about the paper. The Llamabot Zotero CLI uses a QueryBot to answer your questions. Simply type your question at the prompt.

Ask me a question: What is the main argument of the paper?

To exit the chat, type exit.

Ask me a question: exit

And that's it! You now know how to use the Llamabot Zotero CLI to chat with a paper, retrieve keys, download papers, and ask questions about a paper. Happy chatting!