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File Handling in Python: A Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will explore a module that provides functions for file handling in Python. The module contains three main functions:

  1. recursive_find(root_dir: Path, file_extension: str) -> List[Path]: Find all files in a given path with a given extension.
  2. check_in_git_repo(path) -> bool: Check if a given path is in a git repository.
  3. read_file(path: Path) -> str: Read a file.

Let's dive into each function and see how they can be used.

1. Finding Files Recursively

The recursive_find function allows you to find all files with a specific extension within a given directory and its subdirectories. This can be useful when you want to process all files of a certain type in a project.


To use the recursive_find function, you need to provide two arguments:

  • root_dir: The directory in which to search for files.
  • file_extension: The file extension to search for. For example, use ".py" for Python files, not "py".

Here's an example of how to use the recursive_find function:

from pathlib import Path
from llamabot.file_finder import recursive_find

root_directory = Path("path/to/your/directory")
file_extension = ".py"

python_files = recursive_find(root_directory, file_extension)

This will output a list of Path objects representing all the Python files found in the specified directory and its subdirectories.

2. Checking if a Path is in a Git Repository

The check_in_git_repo function allows you to check if a given path is part of a git repository. This can be useful when you want to ensure that your code is only executed within a version-controlled environment.


To use the check_in_git_repo function, you need to provide one argument:

  • path: The path to check.

Here's an example of how to use the check_in_git_repo function:

from pathlib import Path
from llamabot.file_finder import check_in_git_repo

path_to_check = Path("path/to/your/directory")

is_in_git_repo = check_in_git_repo(path_to_check)

This will output True if the specified path is part of a git repository, and False otherwise.

3. Reading a File

The read_file function allows you to read the contents of a file. This can be useful when you want to process the contents of a file, such as analyzing code or parsing data.


To use the read_file function, you need to provide one argument:

  • path: The path to the file to be read.

Here's an example of how to use the read_file function:

from pathlib import Path
from llamabot.file_finder import read_file

file_path = Path("path/to/your/file.txt")

file_contents = read_file(file_path)

This will output the contents of the specified file.


In this tutorial, we have explored a module that provides functions for file handling in Python. By using these functions, you can easily find files with specific extensions, check if a path is part of a git repository, and read the contents of a file. These functions can be combined to create powerful file processing pipelines in your Python projects.