Install Docker on a raspberry pi

Taken from pimylifeup

Install Docker

To install Docker on a raspberry pi, we need the following commands:

Firstly, keep system up-to-date:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Then execute the Docker installation script:

curl -sSL | sh

Then, allow pi (OR WHATEVER YOUR DEFAULT USER IS) to the docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker pi

Finally, logout and log back in to allow changes to take place.

Test-drive installation

Check that docker shows up amongst the user groups:

groups | grep docker

Try out the hello world of Docker apps:

docker run hello-world

Installing magic mirror on a raspberry pi

Documenting some instructions for myself.

Docker-based installation

I used a Docker-based installation to test-drive the server. It was a seamless installation.

  1. Install Docker on a raspberry pi
  2. Install raspberry pi magic mirror via Docker

Manual installation