Probability distribution
A probability distribution is an object that assigns credibility values to discrete or continuous values. For parametrized distributions, there is usually a math function that takes in one or more parameters and returns a value across the number line.
Beta Distribution
The Beta distribution is a Probability distribution that has support over the interval $[0, 1]$. It's most commonly used to express degree of belief in the value of a probability term.
Notes on Statistics
Some learnings while training myself in statistics.
Statistical Estimation:
Papers that I'm writing:
Dealing with data:
Probabilistic Programming:
What is a pre-configured probability distribution
Probability distribution can come in what I think of as "pre-configured" or "raw" states.
An example is a Gaussian. Without any configurations, it's got an infinite set of possible $\mu$ and $\sigma$ values. With a configuration, it has one $\mu$ and one $\sigma$.
Another example is the Beta distribution. Without any configurations, it's got an infinite set of possible $\alpha$ and $\beta$ parameter values. With a configuration, it has one $\alpha$ and one $\beta$.