Beta Distribution
The Beta distribution is a Probability distribution that has support over the interval $[0, 1]$. It's most commonly used to express degree of belief in the value of a probability term.
Probability distribution
A probability distribution is an object that assigns credibility values to discrete or continuous values. For parametrized distributions, there is usually a math function that takes in one or more parameters and returns a value across the number line.
Dirichlet Distribution
The Dirichlet distribution is often known as the multi-class (or multivariate) generalization of the Beta Distribution. In contrast to the Beta distribution, which provides a probability draw for one class, the Dirichlet distribution generalizes this to multi-class.
Stick Breaking Process
One algorithmic protocol for generating Dirichlet Process draws.
We'll now have a series of draws for $p_i$ and $l_i$:
Each $p$ came from an independent Beta Distribution draw, while each $l$ was the result of breaking whatever was leftover from the previous round of stick breaking.
If we finished at a finite stopping point, then $l$ is guaranteed to not sum to 1, as we never know what length of stick was leftover on that last stick breaking step. To use $l$ as a valid probability vector, it must be re-normalized to sum to 1, i.e.:
$$l_{norm} = \frac{l}{\sum{l}}$$