Design by adaptive sampling


Even after a few months, the paper still feels dense to digest. However, I think I have finally grokked it.


  • We have an oracle: $p(y|x)$. (a.k.a. property prediction model)
  • Oracle can help us compute probability of a set $S$ of data.
    • In the case of maximization, $S$ is the set of values $y$ s.t. $y \geq y_{max}$, where $y_{max}$ is given by the $x$ that maximizes the expectation of $y$ under $p(y|x)$.
    • For practical settings, we instead want S such that $y \geq \gamma$, where $\gamma \leq y_{max}$.
    • In the case of specification, $S$ is the set of values $y$ s.t. $y = y_{target}$ (more strictly speaking, taking on infinitesimal values around it).
    • The conditional probability of the set $S$, i.e. "the probability that our property desideratum is satisfied for a given input", is $P(S|x) \equiv P(Y \in S|x) = \int p(y|x) I_{S}(y) dy$.
      • $I_{S}(y)$ is an indicator function for whether $y \in S$, takes on $1$ if yes, or $0$ otherwise.
    • When we do thresholding, i.e. greater than a threshold, $P(S|x) = p(y \geq \gamma|x) = 1 - CDF(x, \gamma)$. (I think this in practice is just the empirical cumulative density function? Since it is the probability of $y$ greater than the threshold $\gamma$, conditioned on observed input data $x$).

Approach: Design input to satisfy desired property.

  • $S$ is the set of property values that satisfy what we want.
  • We want to maximize the expected probability that our desideratum is satisfied, where expectation is performed over a generative model distribution $p(x|\theta)$, like a VAE.
  • This gives rise to us optimizing $\theta$ w.r.t. the desirderatum.
  • We want $\hat{\theta} = \underset{\theta}{argmax} \log P(S|\theta)$, i.e. the $\theta$ that maximizes the log probability of S.
    • This is the theta that maximizes the log probability of S.
  • In the paper, a few problems are mentioned that I don't fully understand. However, we do arrive at this point where the optimization problem that we want to solve is:
    • $\theta^{(t+1)} = \underset{\theta}{argmax} \sum_{i=1}^M P(S^{(t)}|x_i^{(t)})\log p(x_i^{(t)}|\theta)$
    • In English: At each iteration $t$, we want to the $\theta$ that improves the sum of (the likelihood of observing set $S$ given the sample input set $x$ drawn times the likelihood of observing the input set generated from the generative model parameters $\theta$).
    • Key idea here: we must get the set $S$ out such that the desired property is non-vanishing. How so? Just sample from empirical distribution then.

How can we implement this using dummy data?

It's probably most instructive if we start with an $x^2$ model, from which we know ground truth and want to find the maxima adaptively.

  • Generative model for $x$: $x \sim N(\mu, \sigma)$. Here, $(\mu, \sigma) = \theta$, the set of parameters we want to optimize.
  • Designing the inputs means changing $\mu$ and $\sigma$, such that we continue to generate higher values of $x$ that maximize the $x^3$ function.

Input design