Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model Transition Matrices
From Matt Johnson's thesis.
Section 3.2.3 says:
The generative process HDP-HMM($\gamma$, $\alpha$, $H$) given concentration parameters $\gamma, \alpha > 0$ and base measure (observation prior) H can be summarized as:
$$\beta \sim GEM(\gamma)$$
$$\pi^{(i)} \sim DP(\alpha, \beta)$$
$$x_t \sim \pi^{(x_{t-1})}$$
$$y_t \sim f(\theta^{x_t})$$...
The HDP plays the role of a prior over infinite transition matrices: each $\pi^{(i)}$ is a DP draw, and is interpreted as the ransition distribution from state $j$. The $\pi^{(i)}$ are linked by being DP draws parametrized by the same discrete measure $\beta$, thus $E[\pi^{(i)}] = \beta$ and the transition distributions tend to have their mass concentrated arounda typical set of states, providing the desired bias towards re-entering and re-using a consistent set of states.
The key here: make sure each row vector is generated from a Dirichlet Process. By generating each row from the same Dirichlet process distribution, we get a hierarchical Dirichlet process, in which a parental concentration parameter governs the generation of state transition probabilities. The concentration parameter can be "concentrated" (i.e. low) thus expressing the belief that the Markov chain should re-enter and re-use a consistent set of states.
Dirichlet Process
What exactly is a Dirichlet process?
We start from the Dirichlet Distribution, which provides a vector of probabilities over states. The vector of probabilities must sum to 1, and they give Categorical Distribution probabilities, i.e. the probability of getting a draw from that category.
In contrast to the Dirichlet distribution, which has a fixed number of categories, the Dirichlet process describes a generative process for an infinite number of categories. There are a few algorithmic variants of the Dirichlet process, including the Chinese Restaurant Process, the Indian Buffet Process, and the Stick Breaking Process.
In practice, when computing with Dirichlet processes, we tend to use the Stick Breaking Process with a large but finite number of states.