Surviving COVID-19 in Spain Changed My Faith

Notes from reading Marcos Zapata's letter on CT.



The leadership by those who seem alien to suffering will never produce disciples but only admirers. My time of suffering and fighting against the illness has reminded me once again that the Father already sent a Savior—and it is not me.

Churches have a fundamental role to play in responding with wisdom to this crisis. The problem we are witnessing is a weak theology that teaches caution conflicts with faith—a triumphalist theology that claims we are immune to the virus because of our faith. From this flows ideas such as Christians not having to obey the guidelines of the authorities because God will protect us. This is a gross mistake, and it will have disastrous consequences. The pastors who preach these things will have to give an account to God and to men for their teachings.

Churches that already had a good structure for small groups will better preserve a sense of community—as well as pastoral care and mission work—in this time of crisis. And, of course, the technologies and communication systems available on the internet are a blessing.