Use position, order, and color in graph visualizations

I think position, grouping, order, and color can be used more effectively than they are used with hairballs.

In an ArcPlot, we can draw directed edges in one direction above the node plane, and edges in the other direction below the node plane. This becomes one effective use of positioning in a graph visualization.

In a CircosPlot, we use the circular positioning of nodes, but leverage ordering to convey meaning. Color can also be added in for subgrouping or for visualizing continuous values.

In a HivePlot, we use radial positioning of nodes to convey groupings/categories, and can use ordering within each groups. Links are then drawn between groups or within groups (within requires that the radial axis be cloned).


nxviz is a package for what I call "rational" graph visualizations. In this package, I try to use the idea of studying while building (see Build a project portfolio and Making as a way of studying a topic) to study the bigger idea of principled graph visualizations. (see Use position, order, and color in graph visualizations)

Network science

A collection of my thoughts on Network science and visualization.

Things I've made:

A thought: Use position, order, and color in graph visualizations.