# Imports
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy.random as npr
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from collections import Counter
import seaborn as sns
import missingno as msno
# Set plotting style
# plt.style.use('fivethirtyeight')
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import warnings
import pyqrcode as pq
icon = pq.create('https://ericmjl.github.io/bayesian-stats-talk')
icon.png('images/qrcode.png', scale=6)
Eric J. Ma, MIT Biological Engineering, Insight Health Data Science Fellow, NIBR Data Science
PyCon 2017, Portland, OR
update beliefs having seen the evidence
¶"is the true value equal to X?"
"given the data, for the parameter of interest, what is the probability distribution over the possible values?"
I tossed my coin $ n $ times, and it came up as heads $ h $ times. Is it biased?
"I want to know $ p $, the probability of tossing heads. Given $ n $ tosses and $ h $ observed heads, is it probable that the value of $ p $ is close to $ 0.5$ , say, in the interval $[0.48, 0.52]$?"
# Make the data needed for the problem.
from random import shuffle
total = 30
n_heads = 11
n_tails = total - n_heads
tosses = [1] * n_heads + [0] * n_tails
def plot_coins():
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.bar(list(Counter(tosses).keys()), list(Counter(tosses).values()))
ax.set_xticks([0, 1])
ax.set_xticklabels(['tails', 'heads'])
ax.set_ylim(0, 20)
ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 21, 5))
return fig
fig = plot_coins()
# Context manager syntax. `coin_model` is **just**
# a placeholder
with pm.Model() as coin_model:
# Distributions are PyMC3 objects.
# Specify prior using Uniform object.
p_prior = pm.Uniform('p', 0, 1)
# Specify likelihood using Bernoulli object.
like = pm.Bernoulli('likelihood', p=p_prior,
# "observed=data" is key
# for likelihood.
with coin_model:
# don't worry about this:
step = pm.Metropolis()
# focus on this, the Inference Button:
coin_trace = pm.sample(2000, step=step)
pm.plot_posterior(coin_trace[100:], color='#87ceeb',
rope=[0.48, 0.52], point_estimate='mean',
I have a newly developed molecule X; how good is X in stopping flu replication?
test a range of concentrations of X, measure flu activity
compute IC50: the concentration of X that causes the replication rate of the virus to be halved.
import numpy as np
chem_data = [(0.00080, 99),
(0.00800, 91),
(0.08000, 89),
(0.40000, 89),
(0.80000, 79),
(1.60000, 61),
(4.00000, 39),
(8.00000, 25),
(80.00000, 4)]
import pandas as pd
chem_df = pd.DataFrame(chem_data)
chem_df.columns = ['concentration', 'activity']
chem_df['concentration_log'] = chem_df['concentration'].apply(lambda x:np.log10(x))
# df.set_index('concentration', inplace=True)
given the data, what is the IC50 value of the chemical, and the uncertainty surrounding it?
def plot_chemical_data(log=True):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
if log:
ax.scatter(x=chem_df['concentration_log'], y=chem_df['activity'])
ax.set_xlabel('log10(concentration (mM))', fontsize=20)
ax.scatter(x=chem_df['concentration'], y=chem_df['activity'])
ax.set_xlabel('concentration (mM)', fontsize=20)
ax.set_xticklabels([int(i) for i in ax.get_xticks()], fontsize=18)
ax.set_yticklabels([int(i) for i in ax.get_yticks()], fontsize=18)
plt.hlines(y=50, xmin=min(ax.get_xlim()), xmax=max(ax.get_xlim()), linestyles='--',)
return fig
fig = plot_chemical_data(log=True)
with pm.Model() as ic50_model:
beta = pm.HalfNormal('beta', sd=100**2)
ic50_log10 = pm.Flat('IC50_log10') # Flat prior
measurements = beta / (1 + np.exp(chem_df['concentration_log'].values -
y_like = pm.Normal('y_like', mu=measurements,
# Deterministic transformations.
ic50 = pm.Deterministic('IC50', np.power(10, ic50_log10))
with ic50_model:
step = pm.Metropolis()
ic50_trace = pm.sample(100000, step=step)
pm.traceplot(ic50_trace[2000:], varnames=['IC50_log10', 'IC50']) # live: sample from step 2000 onwards.
pm.plot_posterior(ic50_trace[4000:], varnames=['IC50'],
color='#87ceeb', point_estimate='mean')
The IC50 of the chemical is between approx. [2 mM, 2.4 mM] (95% HPD). It's kind of a bad chemical; uncertainty doesn't matter much here, because of the scale of badness...
"are my experimental treatments different from my controls?"
does a drug treatment affect IQ scores?
(documented in Kruschke, 2013, example modified from PyMC3 documentation)
drug = [ 99., 110., 107., 104., 103., 105., 105., 110., 99.,
109., 100., 102., 104., 104., 100., 104., 101., 104.,
101., 100., 109., 104., 105., 112., 97., 106., 103.,
101., 101., 104., 96., 102., 101., 100., 92., 108.,
97., 106., 96., 90., 109., 108., 105., 104., 110.,
92., 100.]
placebo = [ 95., 105., 103., 99., 104., 98., 103., 104., 102.,
91., 97., 101., 100., 113., 98., 102., 100., 105.,
97., 94., 104., 92., 98., 105., 106., 101., 106.,
105., 101., 105., 102., 95., 91., 99., 96., 102.,
94., 93., 99., 99., 113., 96.]
def ECDF(data):
x = np.sort(data)
y = np.cumsum(x) / np.sum(x)
return x, y
def plot_drug():
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
x_drug, y_drug = ECDF(drug)
ax.plot(x_drug, y_drug, label='drug, n={0}'.format(len(drug)))
x_placebo, y_placebo = ECDF(placebo)
ax.plot(x_placebo, y_placebo, label='placebo, n={0}'.format(len(placebo)))
ax.set_xlabel('IQ Score')
ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative Frequency')
ax.hlines(0.5, ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_xlim()[1], linestyle='--')
return fig
# For my own curiosity: from a frequentist point of view, is there a "statistically significant" difference
# between the two treatments?
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
ttest_ind(drug, placebo)
vs. -drug
fig = plot_drug()
y_vals = np.concatenate([drug, placebo])
labels = ['drug'] * len(drug) + ['placebo'] * len(placebo)
data = pd.DataFrame([y_vals, labels]).T
data.columns = ['IQ', 'treatment']
with pm.Model() as kruschke_model:
# Focus on the use of Distribution Objects.
# Linking Distribution Objects together is done by
# passing objects into other objects' parameters.
mu_drug = pm.Normal('mu_drug', mu=0, sd=100**2)
mu_placebo = pm.Normal('mu_placebo', mu=0, sd=100**2)
sigma_drug = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_drug', beta=100)
sigma_placebo = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_placebo', beta=100)
nu = pm.Exponential('nu', lam=1/29) + 1
drug_like = pm.StudentT('drug', nu=nu, mu=mu_drug,
sd=sigma_drug, observed=drug)
placebo_like = pm.StudentT('placebo', nu=nu, mu=mu_placebo,
sd=sigma_placebo, observed=placebo)
diff_means = pm.Deterministic('diff_means', mu_drug - mu_placebo)
pooled_sd = pm.Deterministic('pooled_sd',
np.sqrt(np.power(sigma_drug, 2) +
np.power(sigma_placebo, 2) / 2))
effect_size = pm.Deterministic('effect_size',
diff_means / pooled_sd)
with kruschke_model:
kruschke_trace = pm.sample(10000, step=pm.Metropolis())
varnames=['mu_drug', 'mu_placebo'])
pm.plot_posterior(kruschke_trace[2000:], color='#87ceeb',
varnames=['mu_drug', 'mu_placebo', 'diff_means'])
def get_forestplot_line(ax, kind):
widths = {'median': 2.8, 'iqr': 2.0, 'hpd': 1.0}
assert kind in widths.keys(), f'line kind must be one of {widths.keys()}'
lines = []
for child in ax.get_children():
if isinstance(child, mpl.lines.Line2D) and np.allclose(child.get_lw(), widths[kind]):
return lines
def adjust_forestplot_for_slides(ax):
for line in get_forestplot_line(ax, kind='median'):
for line in get_forestplot_line(ax, kind='iqr'):
for line in get_forestplot_line(ax, kind='hpd'):
return ax
varnames=['mu_drug', 'mu_placebo'])
ax = plt.gca()
ax = adjust_forestplot_for_slides(ax)
Forest plot: 95% HPD (thin line), IQR (thicker line), and median (dot) of the posterior distribution on the same axes, allowing us to directly compare the treatment and control.
def overlay_effect_size(ax):
height = ax.get_ylim()[1] * 0.5
ax.hlines(height, 0, 0.2, 'red', lw=5)
ax.hlines(height, 0.2, 0.8, 'blue', lw=5)
ax.hlines(height, 0.8, ax.get_xlim()[1], 'green', lw=5)
ax = pm.plot_posterior(kruschke_trace[2000:],
compared to two commonly-used treatments, do my "fancy methods" sterilize my phone better?
renamed_treatments = dict()
renamed_treatments['FBM_2'] = 'FM1'
renamed_treatments['bleachwipe'] = 'CTRL1'
renamed_treatments['ethanol'] = 'CTRL2'
renamed_treatments['kimwipe'] = 'FM2'
renamed_treatments['phonesoap'] = 'FM3'
renamed_treatments['quatricide'] = 'FM4'
# Reload the data one more time.
data = pd.read_csv('datasets/smartphone_sanitization_manuscript.csv', na_values=['#DIV/0!'])
del data['perc_reduction colonies']
# Exclude cellblaster data
data = data[data['treatment'] != 'CB30']
data = data[data['treatment'] != 'cellblaster']
# Rename treatments
data['treatment'] = data['treatment'].apply(lambda x: renamed_treatments[x])
# Sort the data according to the treatments.
treatment_order = ['FM1', 'FM2', 'FM3', 'FM4', 'CTRL1', 'CTRL2']
data['treatment'] = data['treatment'].astype('category')
data['treatment'].cat.set_categories(treatment_order, inplace=True)
data['treatment'] = data['treatment'].cat.codes.astype('int32')
data = data.sort_values(['treatment']).reset_index(drop=True)
data['site'] = data['site'].astype('category').cat.codes.astype('int32')
data['frac_change_colonies'] = ((data['colonies_post'] - data['colonies_pre'])
/ data['colonies_pre'])
data['frac_change_colonies'] = pm.floatX(data['frac_change_colonies'])
del data['screen protector']
# Change dtypes to int32 for GPU usage.
def change_dtype(data, dtype='int32'):
return data.astype(dtype)
cols_to_change_ints = ['sample_id', 'colonies_pre', 'colonies_post',
'morphologies_pre', 'morphologies_post', 'phone ID']
cols_to_change_floats = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'perc_reduction morph',
'phone ID', 'no case',]
for col in cols_to_change_ints:
data[col] = change_dtype(data[col], dtype='int32')
for col in cols_to_change_floats:
data[col] = change_dtype(data[col], dtype='float32')
# # filter the data such that we have only PhoneSoap (PS-300) and Ethanol (ET)
# data_filtered = data[(data['treatment'] == 'PS-300') | (data['treatment'] == 'QA')]
# data_filtered = data_filtered[data_filtered['site'] == 'phone']
# data_filtered.sample(10)
def plot_colonies_data():
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
sns.swarmplot(x='treatment', y='colonies_pre', data=data, ax=ax1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
sns.swarmplot(x='treatment', y='colonies_post', data=data, ax=ax2)
return fig
fig = plot_colonies_data()
Counts are Poisson distributed. Thus...
with pm.Model() as poisson_estimation:
mu_pre = pm.DiscreteUniform('pre_mus', lower=0, upper=10000,
pre_mus = mu_pre[data['treatment'].values] # fancy indexing!!
pre_counts = pm.Poisson('pre_counts', mu=pre_mus,
mu_post = pm.DiscreteUniform('post_mus', lower=0, upper=10000,
post_mus = mu_post[data['treatment'].values] # fancy indexing!!
post_counts = pm.Poisson('post_counts', mu=post_mus,
perc_change = pm.Deterministic('perc_change',
100 * (mu_pre - mu_post) / mu_pre)
with poisson_estimation:
poisson_trace = pm.sample(200000)
pm.traceplot(poisson_trace[50000:], varnames=['pre_mus', 'post_mus'])
pm.forestplot(poisson_trace[50000:], varnames=['perc_change'],
ylabels=treatment_order, xrange=[0, 110])
plt.xlabel('Percentage Reduction')
ax = plt.gca()
ax = adjust_forestplot_for_slides(ax)
a.k.a. bayesian deep learning