Eric J Ma's Website

"Walk the Stage" 2017 Edition

written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-06-10

Finally put on a funny hat and an oversized robe, and topped it off with a yellow hood that only six of us received last Friday. Just six in the entire Institute this year - only six of us weirdos chose the SciDoc (ScD) degree! (I chose it because I like yellow over blue, and get to have a bit of fun confusing recruiters out there.) The day was too hot, and so I couldn't be bothered to dress up - who's going to see what I'm wearing underneath the robes anyways?!

Anyways, overall a good feeling to be done. A little bittersweet because I'm leaving a time where I had a ton of fun learning new things, especially in my final two years of grad school, though I also think it's nice to have a change of environment and to have a new set of problems to solve.

My hope is to continue being deeply engaged with the hard sciences, even outside of the academic ivory tower, just because it's a fun thing to do. Here's to hoping I can find a good match with a company out there.

I send out a newsletter with tips and tools for data scientists. Come check it out at Substack.

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Finally, I do free 30-minute GenAI strategy calls for organizations who are seeking guidance on how to best leverage this technology. Consider booking a call on Calendly if you're interested!