Eric J Ma's Website

An Attempt at Demystifying Graph Deep Learning

In this talk, inspired by my 2017 attempt at demystifying Bayesian deep learning, I now attempt to demystify graph deep learning.

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Computational Biology in Bioengineering

Virtual fireside chat about how computational biology shows up in Bioengineering.

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How Software Skillsets Will Accelerate Your Data Science Work

Me explaining exactly what I state in the title!👆

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Software Testing in Open Source and Data Science

In which I talk about how software testing is awesome for open source and data science.

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An Attempt at Demystifying Bayesian Deep Learning

In which I tell you why Bayesian deep learning is nothing really special, delivered at PyData NYC 2017.

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Bayesian Statistical Analysis with Python

How to do parameter estimation and case/control comparison in PyMC3, delivered at PyCon 2017.

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Beyond Two Groups: Generalized A/B[/C/D/E...] Testing

My rant against canned statistical procedures, delivered at PyCon 2019.

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Modern, Principled Data Science Workflow

In this talk, I share five key principles, learned from the software development world, that help accelerate data science project development and amplify impact.

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Networks, Networks Everywhere!

The many places that graphs can be found, delivered at Big Data Boston 2016 and hosted by DataCamp.

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Testing for Data Scientists

How data scientists can incorporate testing into their development, delivered at PyData Ann Arbor in Jan 2020.

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