Eric J Ma's Website

Moving Data Securely and Quickly with `croc`

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-10-01 | tags: tools tips tricks croc

I recently had to move a large file from a computer in one site at work to another computer in another site at work, to obtain a dataset for machine learning purposes. To do this, I usually would have used scp, but for whatever reason (didn't debug, no time), it was borked on my user account. We apparently pay for an Aspera license, but it was installed on a very old system that I was struggling/wrestling with. Thus, I looked back on my GitHub stars, knowing that someone must have made something that we could use - and indeed, I found croc.

What's croc? It's a file transfer system that sends files securely using end-to-end encryption, via a file transfer relay. What's a "file transfer relay"? Essentially, it's a go-between computer that is set up to relay connections to and from computers -- it does this one and only one job -- but cannot read the contents of anything that is passed through it.

Using a relay in between two computers sounds kind of roundabout. Why would we want this in contrast to directly scp-ing, or standing up an HTTP server and using an HTTP URL to send the data?

To understand more, I read croc's creator's blog post describing the design advantages of croc. The key advantages are speed, security, and simplicity, all-in-one. Speed because the relay doubles the number of computers sending/receiving data. Security because of the use of Password-Authenticated Key Exchange between the two computers, and the ephemeral nature of the connection. And simplicity, because of the user-interface.

Now, baked into croc's configuration is the use of a public relay server that croc's creator has set up, but one can set up their own relay server, and configure croc to use that relay server at runtime. To do this requires a one-time setup on a third computer or in a docker container. I did the former at work, setting up a temporary relay server on a Linux workstation, because I couldn't access the public relay server on our VPN (which is exactly what is supposed to happen, for security!). The 6GB file was transferred at a rate of about 50 MB/sec, which, for me, was fast enough and heartening to get on with life!

To do this, we access the relay computer, which should be a computer visible on the intranet, download croc, and run croc as a relay process:

croc relay

Then, we point croc away from the default public relay when sending a file:

croc --relay "" send some_file.extension

Then on the receiving end:

croc --relay "" some-secret-code

Being written in the Go programming language, it's fast and easily distributed on multiple platforms. Coupled with its ease-of-use, count me a fan!

Cite this blog post:
    author = {Eric J. Ma},
    title = {Moving Data Securely and Quickly with `croc`},
    year = {2020},
    month = {10},
    day = {01},
    howpublished = {\url{}},
    journal = {Eric J. Ma's Blog},
    url = {},

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