Eric J Ma's Website

Preview built static sites on Netlify

written by Eric J. Ma on 2021-04-28 | tags: netlify web development continuous integration til

Twitter is an amazing universe. I asked a question, and friends came to help.

I use Netlify to host my site previews. That said, I use GitHub actions to build the site, as site-building on Netlify has a limit of 300 minutes, while for my open source projects, I have unlimited minutes. I was curious about how to enable static site previews on Netlify with an automatic comment on the PR housing the URL. Peter Bull kindly replied, and that's when I learned that GitHub user @nwtgck created a GitHub Action that makes this easy.

Inside one of our GitHub actions configuration YAML files, we add this step:

      # Taken from:
      - name: Deploy site preview to Netlify
        uses: nwtgck/actions-netlify@v1.1
          publish-dir: "./site"
          production-deploy: false
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GHPAGES_TOKEN }}
          deploy-message: "Deploy from GitHub Actions"
          enable-pull-request-comment: true  # this is crucial!
          enable-commit-comment: false
          overwrites-pull-request-comment: true
          alias: deploy-preview-${{ github.event.number }}
          NETLIFY_SITE_ID: ${{ secrets.NETLIFY_SITE_ID }}
        timeout-minutes: 1

The result looks something like this:

Now, it's much easier for me and collaborators to find the preview URL rather than dig through a bunch of logs to find it.

When one can query the collective intellect of the whole wide world, that's an amazing feeling.

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