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How to make distributable pre-commit hooks

written by Eric J. Ma on 2024-04-09 | tags: pre-commit webp optimization python

Following my previous blog post on how to make pre-commit hooks, I finally made my first distributable pre-commit hook that is installable by the pre-commit framework! The pre-commit hook is called convert-to-webp, and is housed in the repo ericmjl/webp-pre-commit.

Pre-commit hooks are fantastic! They enable us to run automatic checks on files to be committed into a repository before they are committed. This allows us to automatically ensure that, for example, large files are not committed into the repository or, in the case of convert-to-webp, images are converted to the highly optimized .webp format before being committed.

Having just learned how to make a distributable pre-commit hook, I am documenting how it works here for future reference.

Essential configuration files in the source repository

The most important configuration file we need within the repository is called .pre-commit-hooks.yaml. This defines what hooks are available from within the repository. In my case, I have only one defined, convert-to-webp, and it is configured as follows:

- id: convert-to-webp
  name: Convert images to WebP
  description: This hook converts image files to WebP format.
  entry: webp-hook
  language: python
  files: \.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|tiff)$
    - Pillow
    - typer

Let's explain what each line is:

  • id: This is the name identifier of the pre-commit hook to run.
  • name: This is the display name of the hook when it is run at the terminal.
  • description: Something human-readable.
  • entry: This is the command that gets run. All relevant files are added as arguments automatically, so in this case, it'll be $ webp-hook file1.png file2.tiff file3.bmp etc.
  • language: This is the programming language that it's written in.
  • files: A regex pattern for the kind of file extensions that will be subject to checks by this hook.
  • additional_dependencies: An array of dependencies necessary to run the hook. In this case, I have a list of package dependencies.

A few questions may be lingering here: what is this webp-hook command that I wrote?

It turns out to be a Typer CLI! This is implemented within the webp_hook directory:

drwxr-xr-x     - ericmjl  7 Apr 23:56   -- ├── webp_hook
.rw-r--r--   922 ericmjl  8 Apr 08:38   --   └──

To ensure that the CLI gets run as a command entry point at the command line, we configure this in pyproject.toml:

webp-hook = "webp_hook.cli:app"

Because there's only one command in (defined under the convert function) I can get away with using webp-hook as the command to run rather than webp-hook convert as the command.

Another crucial thing is to have tagged versions of the repository. To ensure this is done efficiently, I use bumpversion (but should upgrade to bump-my-version soon) when cutting a new tagged release. This tagged version is referenced in my individual project repo's configuration files.

Obtaining the pre-commit hook

To obtain the pre-commit hook, all we need to do is add the following line into the .pre-commit-config.yaml (not to be confused with the .pre-commit-hooks.yaml) file:

- repo: # <-- URL to repository
  rev: v0.0.8 # <-- this is the tagged version
  - id: convert-to-webp # <-- this is the `id` defined above

Now, the pre-commit framework will automatically manage the installation of the pre-commit hook within its own virtual environment, install dependencies, and run the command webp-hook upon committing new files. The output should look like this:

 git commit
check yaml...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
fix end of files.....................................(no files to check)Skipped
trim trailing whitespace.............................(no files to check)Skipped
Convert images to WebP...............................(no files to check)Skipped
# notice the name of the pre-commit hook above!

Summary of steps

Let's recap how do we create a pre-commit hook that can be distributed to others. The key steps, in order, are:

  1. Create a new repository in which you develop an installable and distributable command-line tool.
  2. In that repository, ensure that you have a .pre-commit-hooks.yaml configuration file that declares that the pre-commit hook is.
  3. Use bump-my-version (or manual git tagging) to cut new tagged releases of your pre-commit hook.
  4. In a different project repository, add the hook to your .pre-commit-config.yaml file.

As you develop the hook, continue cutting new releases through git tags. When you cut new releases, go to your downstream project code and ask pre-commit to update the hooks by running pre-commit autoupdate.

For teams...

Now that you know how to build your own pre-commit hooks, you can be empowered to create custom checks for your code that hold it to your company's own internal standards! I can also imagine many creative uses, including the use of LLM APIs within the pre-commit hooks that get run that parse code for issues that are difficult to detect using programmatic rules, not unlike writing commit messages based on git diffs!

Happy code checking!

Cite this blog post:
    author = {Eric J. Ma},
    title = {How to make distributable pre-commit hooks},
    year = {2024},
    month = {04},
    day = {09},
    howpublished = {\url{}},
    journal = {Eric J. Ma's Blog},
    url = {},

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