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Headache-free, portable, and reproducible handling of data access and versioning

written by Eric J. Ma on 2024-06-18 | tags: data science reproducibility portability open source data management software skills data access version control data patterns technology guardrails

Recently, I discussed the following question with colleagues: "How do we ensure that data scientists work in a reproducible fashion?" It turns out that related to reproducibility is being able to work portably. Some tools provide what I call "technological guardrails" to ensure that one's work doesn't fall into bad patterns, but those can only go so far. Adopting and, more importantly, learning a certain way of working is the long-term sustainable way of ensuring that a data scientist's work is portable and reproducible.

Software skills help, and I have written multiple blog posts about them, but today, points about software skills are adjacent to my main point; this article is primarily about data. In the open source world, a tool from Posit PBC called pins provides tooling that supports a superbly ergonomic pattern of interacting with data, one that mirrors the way we do so at Moderna. I want to highlight these data access patterns through examples that use pins.

Here are the key ideas that I'd like to highlight:

  1. Always reference data from a centrally accessible source of truth.
  2. Reference data versions explicitly rather than implicitly.

Let's explore them in detail below.

Idea 1: Reference data from an accessible source of truth

Because of its convenience, it is tempting to reference files on one's local filesystem. Example code that one ends up writing might look like this:

# within notebooks/your_name/analysis.ipynb
data_path = "../../data/finances.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(data_path, index_col=0)

This is a guaranteed recipe for non-reproducibile disaster. If your colleague clones the repository after you've pushed up your changes, chances are they won't have access to finances.csv, allowing them to re-run your notebook to reproduce your data. They will need to ask you for your copy of the data, which comes with its own boatload of problems that I discuss later.

A better solution would be to use pins, which lets one reference data from an authenticated source of truth, such as Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3, or Dropbox. With pins, what one would do is the following:

# within notebooks/your_name/analysis.ipynb
import pins

# assumes that AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_REGION environment variables are set
board = pins.board_s3("bucket_name/optional/subdirectory")

# read dataframe directly
df = board.pin_read("em.finances")

(If you need a refresher on environment variables, this article may help.)

Alternatively, if one wants to work with file paths (my preferred way, more explicit) rather than objects in memory with magical read/write methods (less preferred, less explicit), one can use the pin_upload/download API:

# one-time:
board.pin_upload(paths="finances.csv", name="em.finances")

# then in your code:
fpath = board.pin_download("em.finances")[0]
df = pd.read_csv(fpath)

Using file paths is more flexible. It allows us to pull in any data to and from the pin board before deciding how to load it into memory.

pins is not the only tool available for defined access to data; Intake by Anaconda is another framework that can accomplish similar goals.

Idea 2: Reference data versions explicitly

In an ideal world, data would never be committed to source code version control systems. Instead, they would be treated as separate entities and version-controlled separately. Doing so allows us to cleanly separate the major entities comprising a project: code and data.

If we treat data as immutable and versioned in the same way as code within a git repository, we can reference data by explicit version numbers. pins provides such a facility; specific versions of a file can be pulled in and referenced by a particular version hash:

fpath = board.pin_download("em.finances", version="20240618T161609Z-7f10d")[0]
df = pd.read_csv(fpath)

Using this pattern, we can avoid the pathologies of "versioning by filename", such as that illustrated by slide 14 of Isabel Zimmerman's PyData Global 2022 talk, copied and modified shamelessly below:

finances_final_final_actually (1).csv


What are the benefits of thinking about and accessing data in this fashion? What's wrong with ../../data/em/finances.csv? The biggest problem is the ease of portability. In the absence of data versions accessed by code, for the next person to access data, they need to (a) manually request a teammate to provide them with the data file and (b) ensure that the data file is placed in the same directory as specified by the relevant relative path.

Point (a) means additional viscosity in requesting access: imagine pinging a teammate for data only to find out she is busy in back-to-back meetings and hasn't responded all morning. Regardless, you've just lost an entire morning of potential productivity. Additionally, point (a) means that you have absolutely zero guarantees that the file your colleague sends to you will be the exact file that has been distributed to everyone else. Any changes in the input data can introduce insidious bugs in the downstream analysis code.

Point (b) introduces further viscosity in the form of confusion when running code that depends on data. What if another colleague, operating in a separate notebook, placed the same data file in a different directory (../../data/finances.csv) and referenced it there? Now, you have two code files referencing what should be the same data source but with different file paths.

By referencing data from an immutable source of truth and pulling it in via code, we get around the aforementioned problems:

  • we no longer need to ask someone else for a file,
  • we can guarantee that we will access the exact that is intended, and
  • we will never encounter the issue of the same file being referenced in two different paths.

The only major obstacle left is data access permissions, which is easily solvable: Data access permissions can be automated during colleagues' onboarding, especially if one's entire stack is in the cloud.


While I've highlighted one tool (pins) for accessing data headache-free, portably, and reproducibly, it isn't the only feasible tool. More important than the tool is the data access pattern for data scientists. As I see it, because of a mixture of business necessity, economics, and ego, almost every company will build custom data infrastructure through a mix of commercial (vendor) products and in-house efforts. The data science team lead, if not the whole team, is guaranteed to be involved. What I hope to accomplish with this blog post is to provide a sense of "good taste" to you, the reader, so that you can bring the ideas back to your organization's data engineering teams. Happy building and happy coding!

Cite this blog post:
    author = {Eric J. Ma},
    title = {Headache-free, portable, and reproducible handling of data access and versioning},
    year = {2024},
    month = {06},
    day = {18},
    howpublished = {\url{}},
    journal = {Eric J. Ma's Blog},
    url = {},

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