written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-12-18 | tags: math graph theory category theory programming
I had an epiphany over the week, connecting graphs, programming, and category theory. I might be wrong, but if you're intrigued, come on in and check it out.
Read on... (673 words, approximately 4 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-12-15 | tags: notetaking productivity
On a recent vacation, since we've got nowhere to go, I decided to re-examine how I made notes in my personal and professional lives. The result is a lot of lessons learned into effective notetaking, and me building yet another thing. Curious to see what I learned? Read on!
Read on... (1316 words, approximately 7 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-10-18 | tags: linux tips
How do you prevent a headless Linux machine from going to sleep/suspend? I recently learned how to do so :).
Read on... (275 words, approximately 2 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-10-15 | tags: bayesian data science statistics
Enrico Fermi had a unique way of thinking that I think dovetails nicely with constructing principled priors. Curious? Read on!
Read on... (517 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-10-06 | tags: data science communication writing speaking talks career grad school
I recently arrived at an epiphany: Delivering talks on a topic is an important way to prepare for writing a paper. Intrigued? Read on to learn why.
Read on... (517 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-10-01 | tags: tools tips tricks croc
I found a new free and open source tool for moving data between computers in a secure and fast fashion, called croc
. I highly recommend it! Come read on to learn more.
written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-09-30 | tags: data science tips and tricks programming python command line tools code formatting code style
How do you write clean Python code in the year 2020? Check out this latest essay I wrote. Cross-posted from my essays collection.
Read on... (1488 words, approximately 8 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-09-12 | tags: jupyter notebooks data science education teaching binder
I recently figured out how to dynamically insert a Binder badge into HTML pages built from Jupyter notebooks, so that users can one-click directly open a Jupyter notebook in the correct conda
environment without needing to navigate or build an environment from scratch. Come see how I figured this out!
written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-09-07 | tags: data science pandas tricks tips productivity
If df.iterrows()
is slow, what then is the alternative? Read on to figure out how to make looping over dataframes 1000X faster :).
written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-08-30 | tags: data science statistics data validation data engineering pandera software tools tips and tricks
I test-drove the Python package pandera
this month, and I like its usage paradigm.
Come read on to learn how you can incorporate pandera
into your workflow!