Eric J Ma's Website

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Statistical tests are just canned model comparisons

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-06-28 | tags: data science bayesian statistics hypothesis testing

I came to the epiphany today that "statistical testing" protocols are nothing more than canned model comparisons (that sometimes have convoluted interpretations). Come read why!

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What's the most optimal way to learn Bayesian statistics?

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-06-15 | tags: bayesian statistics bayesian data science statistics inference

I've been reflecting on the way I learned statistics, and I think I learned it in a flawed fashion. In response to this reflection, I've began reworking an introduction to Bayesian statistical inference that focuses on statistical story telling. Read on to find out more!

Read on... (448 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)
P(A,B) to P(H,D)??

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-06-14 | tags: bayesian data science statistical inference

What gives us the logical leap from a joint distribution $P(A, B)$ in abstract, to the more tangible $P(H, D)$ (for hypothesis and data? Here's an excerpt from a tutorial in the making about Bayesian statistics.

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With what symbols do you write thermodynamic equations?

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-06-09 | tags: deep learning machine learning statistics rants

How in the world did "inference" come to mean "prediction" amongst deep learners? I have no idea, but I do have a rant.

Read on... (911 words, approximately 5 minutes reading time)
Data Science Design Manual

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-06-02 | tags: data science ebooks

There's a pile of free books released for everybody! One of them caught my eye: the Data Science Design Manual. Link in the full post!

Read on... (89 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
VSCode Development Containers

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-05-31 | tags: docker containers software engineering skills

A mini-advertisement, completely unpaid and totally unsolicited, for the use of remote "development" containers on VSCode, with a little pro-tip about pre-building containers sprinkled in for good measure!

Read on... (231 words, approximately 2 minutes reading time)
Easy `matplotlib` animations

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-05-26 | tags: matplotlib python data visualization animation

I recently stumbled upon a package that makes animations dead simple. Check it out!

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What are lambda expressions in Python?

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-05-17 | tags: python programming lambda expression

In this blog post, I'll show you what lambda expressions are, and where we might use them in a data science setting.

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Use pyprojroot and Python’s pathlib to manage your data paths!

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-04-21 | tags: data science pathlib python packages tools

Are file paths driving you crazy in your data science project repository? Come read how you can use pyprojroot and Python’s pathlib to help make life a tad easier. You’ll love this new tool in your toolkit!

Read on... (478 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)
Introducing a new essay on Markov models

written by Eric J. Ma on 2020-04-12 | tags: data science bayesian markov models

Here's the motivation behind my latest essay explaining Markov models and their variants, as well as how to perform Bayesian inference on them.

Read on... (331 words, approximately 2 minutes reading time)
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