written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-11-07 | tags: bayesian data science statistics
It's definitely not easy work; anybody trying to tell you that you can "just apply this model and just be done with it" is probably wrong.
Let me clarify: I agree that doing the first half of the statement,... (read more)
(1015 words, approximately 6 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-10-26 | tags: dask parallel data science optimization gridengine
I learned a new thing about dask
yesterday: pre-scattering data properly!
Turns out, you can pre-scatter your data across worker nodes, and have them access that data later when submitting functions to the... (read more)
(519 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-10-11 | tags: parallel dask gridengine data science optimization
I recently just figured out how to get this working... and it's awesome! :D
If I'm developing an analysis in the Jupyter notebook, and I have one semi-long-running function (e.g. takes dozens of seconds) that I need to... (read more)
(1999 words, approximately 10 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-09-04 | tags: graph optimization numba python data science sparse matrix
At work, I recently encountered a neat problem. I'd like to share it with you all.
One of my projects involves graphs; specifically, it involves taking individual graphs and turning them into one big graph. If you've... (read more)
(1220 words, approximately 7 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-09-02 | tags: 3d printing python qr code
Part 2 of how to create 3D-printed QR codes!
Read on... (850 words, approximately 5 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-09-01 | tags: python qr codes wifi 3d printing security coding technology diy networking home project guest network pyqrcode pypng solidpython numpy click flask
Over the weekend, I embarked on a cool DIY project to create a 3D printed QR code for our guest WiFi network.
I used Python and a few packages to generate the QR code. It was a fun, practical project that also satisfied my curiosity about QR codes.
Stay tuned for more! 😄👨💻📶
Read on... (663 words, approximately 4 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-08-07 | tags: statistics probability bayesian data science
A little cheat sheet to help you remember what joint, conditional, and marginal distributions are.
Read on... (87 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-08-06 | tags: causal inference bayesian data science
Yesterday evening, I had an empty block of time during which I finally did a worked example of finding whether two nodes are "d-separated" in a causal graph. It was pretty instructive to implement the algorithm. It also reminded me yet... (read more)
(71 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-08-01 | tags: nxviz visualization data science software open source
A new version of nxviz is released!
In this update, I have added a declarative interface for visualizing geographically-constrained graphs. Here, nodes in a graph have their placement constrained by longitude and latitude.
An example... (read more)
(117 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-07-27 | tags: open source pyjanitor data science
A new release of pyjanitor
is out!
Two new features that I have added in include: