Eric J Ma's Website

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3D Printed WiFi Access QR Codes: Part 2

written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-09-02 | tags: 3d printing python qr code

Part 2 of how to create 3D-printed QR codes!

Read on... (850 words, approximately 5 minutes reading time)
3D Printed WiFi Access QR Codes: Part 1

written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-09-01 | tags: python qr codes wifi 3d printing security coding technology diy networking home project guest network pyqrcode pypng solidpython numpy click flask

Over the weekend, I embarked on a cool DIY project to create a 3D printed QR code for our guest WiFi network.

I used Python and a few packages to generate the QR code. It was a fun, practical project that also satisfied my curiosity about QR codes.

Stay tuned for more! 😄👨‍💻📶

Read on... (663 words, approximately 4 minutes reading time)
Joint, conditional, and marginal probability distributions

written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-08-07 | tags: statistics probability bayesian data science

A little cheat sheet to help you remember what joint, conditional, and marginal distributions are.

Read on... (87 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
d-separation in causal inference

written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-08-06 | tags: causal inference bayesian data science

Yesterday evening, I had an empty block of time during which I finally did a worked example of finding whether two nodes are "d-separated" in a causal graph. It was pretty instructive to implement the algorithm. It also reminded me yet... (read more)

(71 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
nxviz 0.5 released!

written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-08-01 | tags: nxviz visualization data science software open source

A new version of nxviz is released!

In this update, I have added a declarative interface for visualizing geographically-constrained graphs. Here, nodes in a graph have their placement constrained by longitude and latitude.

An example... (read more)

(117 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
pyjanitor 0.3 released!

written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-07-27 | tags: open source pyjanitor data science

A new release of pyjanitor is out!

Two new features that I have added in include:

  1. Concatenating column names into a single column, such that each item is separated... (read more)

    (135 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
SciPy 2018

written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-07-26 | tags: scipy conferences python

It's been about two weeks since SciPy 2018 ended, and I've finally found some breathing room to write about it.

SciPy 2018 is the 4th year I've made it to the conference, my first one being SciPy 2015 (not 2014, as I had originally... (read more)

(576 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)
Bayesian Estimation, Group Comparison, and Workflow

written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-07-16 | tags: bayesian statistics data science

Over the past year, having learned about Bayesian inference methods, I finally see how estimation, group comparison, and model checking build upon each other into this really elegant framework for data analysis.

Parameter... (read more)

(462 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)


written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-07-14 | tags: statistics visualization data science

I detail why ECDFs are superior to histograms as a way of visualizing distributions. In short, they provide richer information than histograms do. Come learn about them!

Read on... (611 words, approximately 4 minutes reading time)
Git Tip: Apply a Patch

written by Eric J. Ma on 2018-06-17 | tags: git version control code snippets

I learned a new thing this weekend: we apparently can apply a patch onto a branch/fork using git apply [patchfile].

There's a few things to unpack here. First off, what's a patchfile?

The long story cut short... (read more)

(729 words, approximately 4 minutes reading time)
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