written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-05-13 | tags: pycon conferences data science
I'm very excited to be at PyCon! It's a bit of a personal challenge this year, as I'll be leading two tutorials, one on Network Analysis and one on Data Testing.
With a bit of time on hand, I've done a bit of introspection as to why I love... (read more)
(183 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-05-04 | tags: pycon conferences python
This year, I'll be at PyCon 2017 presenting two tutorials and one talk! I'm very excited to be attending!
The first tutorial I will deliver is on network analysis. The GitHub repository is
written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-05-03
I recently got around to hacking a system for managing my conda
environments better. Previously, my coding projects mostly relied on one master environment (with exceptions, e.g. bokeh
development, or my Network Analysis...
(read more)
written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-04-28
It is done! I have defended my doctoral thesis, supervised by Prof. Jonathan A. Runstadler, advised by Prof. Mark Bathe and Prof. Jukka-Pekka Onnela, conducted as a student in the Department of Biological Engineering at MIT.
Looking back,... (read more)
(65 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-04-24 | tags: graduate school thesis defence
My thesis defence announcement has been made to the department!
written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-04-21 | tags: graduate school job hunt insight data science data science mit
It's my final week before defending my thesis.
The thesis has been submitted to my committee, and my slides, as usual, are being made until the last minute.
I've had a number of conversations with a number of people, both in person... (read more)
(532 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-04-07
As I wrap up grad school, one thought recurrently comes to mind: as we grow older, do we intrinsically lose mental agility, nimbleness and ability to learn? Or is it because of external factors that cause one to become less adventurous, less... (read more)
(191 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-03-28 | tags: thesis academia grad school
Some short thoughts on how I used "continual publishing" to enable a single-source, multi-output, continually-updated thesis.
Read on... (190 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-03-11
As a positive distraction from my thesis writing, I've been thinking a bit about the statistical crisis in biomedical sciences and psychology research, and how it might be mitigated.
A number of
written by Eric J. Ma on 2017-02-13
I finally did it!
The city of Boston recently released their data in the open. I wanted to have an excuse to play with geospatial data, so as a distraction from thesis & proposal writing, I hunkered... (read more)
(115 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)