written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-10-08
I've been thinking back on my experience being on the SciPy 2016 Financial Aid committee, having myself received a full scholarship to attend SciPy 2015.
I had a chance to talk with two of the SciPy scholarship recipients. They belonged to a... (read more)
(258 words, approximately 2 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-09-27 | tags: data visualization data science
Which would you choose? Let's figure out which might be more useful.
Read on... (61 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-09-22
I recently reviewed a paper for PLOS Computational Biology. This was my first ever scientific paper review, and so I did my best to be constructive and helpful to the authors, just as other reviewers were for my first lead author publication. I had... (read more)
(587 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-09-16 | tags: statistics bayesian data science
Uncertainty is part and parcel of the process of doing science; in effect it's a currency of science. What scientists do is essentially quantitatively... (read more)
(359 words, approximately 2 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-09-08
Reading up on Bayesian methods for analysis of high throughput measurement data, I saw this very promising paper by Johnson & Li.
In the abstract, there was a... (read more)
(185 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-09-06
A new UROP, Vivian Zhong, has joined the Runstadler lab! She is working with Islam and I on a project that is directly related to the broader problem of genotype-phenotype.
For this project, I decided to try and experiment with GitHub and... (read more)
(413 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-09-06
Last week, following a power outage, the expensive gel doc machine & its computer failed. (It's also one floor up.) And so, we decided to just take a photo with our phones - and it turned out just fine.
So, as things turn out, we don't... (read more)
(325 words, approximately 2 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-08-18
Recently found a very good article on the ArXiv about Bayesian estimation for difference in sample means. Loved the fact that someone's done the work so that I don't have to!
The paper essentially explores how a Bayesian estimation (BEST) is... (read more)
(137 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-08-18
I've recently been considering the problem of when to stop measuring something, especially in the biological sciences. Turns out, John Kruschke has given this a ton of thought, in the psychological sciences.
I listened to a talk, freely... (read more)
(437 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-08-16 | tags: python data science
I recently followed an interesting Twitter conversation, in which one tweet struck me as surprising:
(1316 words, approximately 7 minutes reading time)(read more)