Eric J Ma's Website

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Bayesian Estimation > t-Test

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-08-18

Recently found a very good article on the ArXiv about Bayesian estimation for difference in sample means. Loved the fact that someone's done the work so that I don't have to!

The paper essentially explores how a Bayesian estimation (BEST) is... (read more)

(137 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
Precision, and not Hypothesis Rejection/Acceptance!

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-08-18

I've recently been considering the problem of when to stop measuring something, especially in the biological sciences. Turns out, John Kruschke has given this a ton of thought, in the psychological sciences.

I listened to a talk, freely... (read more)

(437 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)
The problem of too many splits?

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-08-16 | tags: python data science

I recently followed an interesting Twitter conversation, in which one tweet struck me as surprising:

Variational Inference With PyMC3: A Lightweight Demo

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-08-06 | tags: python bayesian variational inference pymc3 statistics data science

Following on the heels of me recently attending Thomas Wiecki's Boston Bayesians talk, I decided to put up a notebook showing a lightweight example of how to do Bayesian modelling with PyMC3. Comments are welcome!

The notebook can be found... (read more)

(67 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
Being able to learn anything is an important skill

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-07-28

Graduate school has taught me the importance of being able to learn almost anything, and to learn that thing as quickly as possible. I think that's an important skill to have in life.

(Ironically, it's taken me much of 5 years, now going on... (read more)

(96 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
Notetaking and writing using Atom

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-07-27

I recently have been trying out the Atom text editor for writing. While its load times are slower than Sublime Text, it overall is a solid text editor. Being free doesn't... (read more)

(431 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)
Sparse Matrix Multiplication in Python 3

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-07-24 | tags: data science python sparse matrix linear algebra

Sparse matrix multiplication shows up in many places, and in Python, it's often handy to use a sparse matrix representation for memory purposes.

One thing nice about the newest version of Python 3 is the @ operator, which takes... (read more)

(1057 words, approximately 6 minutes reading time)
Jupyter Lab

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-07-19

Jupyter Lab was announced at SciPy 2016! And oh my, this is an exciting development.

It currently is a very alpha-stage project, and so it didn't work on my Mac, but it worked beautifully... (read more)

(245 words, approximately 2 minutes reading time)
nxviz: A NetworkX Visualization Package

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-07-16 | tags: nxviz data visualization data science software engineering

I have been developing network visualization implementations for Python, mostly because I needed them. I also believe in open source principles, that broadly useful and applicable code should be made freely available with their implementations made... (read more)

(186 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
Principles of Network Visualization

written by Eric J. Ma on 2016-07-16 | tags: data visualization data science nxviz graph visualization network science

I use networks as part of my research, and visualization is a very important part of it. The problem with network visualizations is that most people default to node-link diagrams that end up looking like (read more)

(495 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)
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