Define project-wide constants inside your custom package

Why you would want to define project-wide constants

There are some "basic facts" about a project that you might want to be able to leverage project-wide. One example of this might be data source files (CSVs, Excel spreadsheets) that you might want convenient paths to (see: Use pyprojroot to define relative paths to the project root).

How do you define project-wide constants

Assuming you have a custom source package defined (see: Place custom source code inside a lightweight package), this is not difficult at all.

Ensure that you have a, or else something named sanely, and place all of your constants in there as variables. (Paths should probably go in a file.)

Then, import the constants (or paths) into your source project anywhere you need it!

Get prepped per project

Treat your projects as if they were software projects for maximum organizational effectiveness. Why? The biggest reason is that it will nudge us towards getting organized. The "magic" behind well-constructed software projects is that someone sat down and thought clearly about how to organize things. The same principle can be applied to data analysis projects.

Firstly, some overall ideas to ground the specifics:

Some ideas pertaining to Git:

Notes that pertain to organizing files:

Notes that pertain to your compute environment:

And notes that pertain to good coding practices:

Treating projects as if they were software projects, but without software engineering's stricter practices, keeps us primed to think about the generalizability of what we do, but without the over-engineering that might constrain future flexibility.

Place custom source code inside a lightweight package

Why write a package for your custom source code

Have you encountered the situation where you create a new notebook, and then promptly copy code verbatim from another notebook with zero modifications?

As you as you did that, you created two sources of truth for that one function.

Now... if you intended to modify the function and test the effect of the modification on the rest of the code, then you still could have done better.

A custom source package that is installed into the conda environment that you have set up will help you refactor code out of the notebook, and hence help you define one source of truth for the entire function, which you can then import anywhere.

How to create a custom source package for a project

Firstly, I'm assuming you are following the ideas laid out in Set up your project with a sane directory structure. Specifically, you have a src/ directory under the project root. Here, I'm going to give you a summary of the official Python packaging tutorial.

In your project project_name/ directory, ensure you have a few files:

|- project_name/   # should be the same name as the conda environment
  |- data/         # for all data-related functions
	 |- # convenience functions for loading data
	 |- # this is for pandera schemas
  |-   # this is necessary
  |-      # this is for path definitions
  |-      # utiity functions that you might need
  |- ...
|- tests/
  |- # tests for utility functions
  |- ...
|- pyproject.toml. # replacement for

If you're wondering about why we name the source package the same name as our conda environment, it's for consistency purposes. (see: Sanely name things consistently)

If you're wondering about the purpose of, read this page: Use pyprojroot to define relative paths to the project root

pyproject.toml should look like this:

name = "my-package-name"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [{name = "EM", email = ""}]
description = "Something cool here."

Now, you activate the environment dedicated to your project (see: Create one conda environment per project) and install the custom source package:

conda activate project_environment
pip install -e .

This will install the source package in development mode. As you continue to add more code into the custom source package, they will be instantly available to you project-wide.

Now, in your projects, you can import anything from the custom source package.

Note: If you've read the official Python documentation on packages, you might see that src/ has nothing special in its name. (Indeed, one of my reviewers, Arkadij Kummer, pointed this out to me.) Having tried to organize a few ways, I think having src/ is better for DS projects than having the file and source_package/ directory in the top-level project directory. Those two are better isolated from the rest of the project and we can keep the in src/ too, thus eliminating clutter from the top-level directory.

How often should the package be updated?

As often as you need it!

Also, I would encourage you to avoid releasing the package standalone until you know that it ought to be used as a standalone Python package. Otherwise, you might prematurely bring upon yourself a maintenance burden!

Is there an easier way to set this all up?

It feels like a lot to remember, right? Fret not! You can use pyds-cli to easily bootstrap a new project environment!

Use pyprojroot to define relative paths to the project root

Why you should use pyprojroot

If you follow the practice of One project should get one git repository, then everything related to the project will be housed inside that repository. Under this assumption, if you also develop a custom source code library for your project (see Place custom source code inside a lightweight package for why), then you'll likely encounter the need to find paths to things, such as data files, relative to the project root. Rather than hard-coding paths into your library and Jupyter notebooks, you can instead leverage pyprojroot to define a library of paths that are useful across the project.

How do you use pyprojroot effectively

Firstly, make sure you have an importable source_package.paths module. (I'm assuming you have written a custom source package!) In there, define project paths:

from pyprojroot import here

root = here(proj_files=[".git"])
notebooks_dir = root / "notebooks"
data_dir = root / "data"
timeseries_data_dir = data_dir / "timeseries"

here() returns a Python pathlib.Path object.

You can go as granular or as coarse-grained as you want.

Then, inside your Jupyter notebooks or Python scripts, you can import those paths as needed.

from source_package.paths import timeseries_data_dir
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv(timeseries_data_dir / "2016-2019.csv")

Now, if for whatever reason you have to move the data files to a different subdirectory (say, to keep things even more organized than you already are, you awesome person!), then you just have to update one location in source_package.paths, and you're able to reference the data file in all of your scripts!

See also: Define single sources of truth for your data sources.