Eric J Ma's Website

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PyViz Panel Apps

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-07-26 | tags: data science data products app deployment

The key things I learned building my first Panel app: prototype in the notebook, use .servable() on the thing to serve up, test locally, and use Heroku!

Read on... (155 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
T-distributed likelihoods are kind of neat

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-07-23 | tags: data science statistics distributions

It’s mainly because they are the generalization of two distributions, the Cauchy and Gaussian. Come learn more!

Read on... (182 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
How to lead a great code sprint

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-07-21 | tags: software development sprint code sprint open source community community development

How can we, as sprint leaders, lead an effective sprint? I share some thoughts, having led a 2nd pyjanitor sprint at SciPy.

Read on... (1078 words, approximately 6 minutes reading time)
SciPy 2019 Post-Conference

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-07-15 | tags: conference scipy2019 data science

Some thoughts post SciPy 2019 - it was overall a productive and fun conference!

Read on... (763 words, approximately 4 minutes reading time)
Order of magnitude is more than accurate enough

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-07-07 | tags: data science estimation statistics

Or, how thinking less precisely and more accurately can be a helpful thing in data science.

Read on... (544 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)
SciPy 2019 Pre-Conference

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-07-07 | tags: conferences scipy2019

Looking forward to another fun year at the SciPy conference!

Read on... (254 words, approximately 2 minutes reading time)
Bone Marrow Donations

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-06-30 | tags: personal charity leukemia donations blood donation community service

After hearing that a friend was diagnosed with leukemia, I detailed a reminder to myself and all of us to register as bone marrow donors.

Read on... (315 words, approximately 2 minutes reading time)
Graphs and Matrices

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-06-15 | tags: graphs network science data science

The connection between graphs and linear algebra is profound and deep. I learned that lesson yet again. Come read more about it!

Read on... (189 words, approximately 1 minute reading time)
Mobile Working on the iPad

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-06-14 | tags: productivity mobile

How I use my iPad as a mobile working station, and the pros and cons compared to a regular laptop.

Read on... (1102 words, approximately 6 minutes reading time)
Reasoning about Shapes and Probability Distributions

written by Eric J. Ma on 2019-05-29 | tags: bayesian probabilistic programming tensors data science probability distributions

I learned a ton hacking on PyMC4 with the TensorFlow Probability team in Montreal this year, particularly about probability distributions and semantic issues that we can run into with tensor shapes. If you’re curious, read on!

Read on... (1650 words, approximately 9 minutes reading time)
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