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Twitter Threads about Generative AI Business Ideas

written by Eric J. Ma on 2023-01-07 | tags: generative AI twitter til

I discuss two Twitter threads that outline potential business ideas that could be built on top of ChatGPT3, a chatbot-based language model. What's the tl;dr? As mankind has done over and over, we build machines to solve mundane and repetitive tasks, and ChatGPT3 and other generative models are no exception!

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Skilled practitioners will benefit most from AI coding and writing tools

written by Eric J. Ma on 2022-12-08 | tags: ai artificial intelligence augmentation chatgpt coding copilot github gpt3 markdown opensource plaintext productivity python skilled practitioners trust verification vscode

I gave AI coding tools like GitHub Copilot a try and found them subtly valuable. They're not replacements but augmentations for skilled practitioners who can verify their output. Incorrect outputs can spark creative solutions, making these tools powerful. So, no, AI won't take our jobs, but will supercharge our skills. 🚀👩‍💻🤖

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How to pick a Mastodon instance?

written by Eric J. Ma on 2022-11-06 | tags: social media mastodon twitter

With the Twitter-to-Mastodon migration ramping up, I've received questions on which Mastodon instance to go to. Here's my answer!

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Writing project documentation helps with future presentations

written by Eric J. Ma on 2022-09-28 | tags: audience career career advice clarity communication documentation feedback knowledge graph learning lessons logic narrative practice presentation project management structure teamwork

Just had an insightful 1:1 with a teammate. We discovered how writing project documentation helps with presentations! 📝 It clarifies our mental knowledge graph, gives us practice in creating narratives, and provides a 'hard copy' of project elements for future use. 🧠💡

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Coding on an iPad with Codespaces and Blink

written by Eric J. Ma on 2022-09-16 | tags: blink codespaces coding data science extensions github ipad jupyter notebook keybindings macbook air mobile nano productivity syntax highlighting terminal tmux vscode

After many attempts, I've found a solution to code on my iPad using VSCode in Blink! All my settings sync perfectly, and I can even run Jupyter notebooks. It's like having my MacBook Air, but lighter. 📱💻🚀

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How to solve raspberry pi failing to update because of repository suite value

written by Eric J. Ma on 2022-08-20 | tags: raspberry pi linux til

Today I learned how to solve yet another fairly esoteric issue with apt.

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Practical tips for staying focused at work as a data scientist

written by Eric J. Ma on 2022-08-06 | tags: productivity tips work focus focus time

For us data scientists, whose work is what Cal Newport calls "deep work", staying focused amongst a barrage of distractions is a challenge. In this post, I outline several tips that data scientists can use to stay focused at work.

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Python Builtins and their Modern and Convenient Replacements

written by Eric J. Ma on 2022-07-25 | tags: python tools

Python has a batteries-included philosophy. This means that when you install Python, you get a lot of basic functionality thrown in for free! Yet, as time progressed, we (the Python language community) gradually figured out how to accomplish that same functionality with fewer lines of code. In other words, we built opinionated tools to streamline common ways of doing things. In this blog post, I'd like to highlight some of these tools, both big and small, and the built-in modules (or otherwise patterns of usage) that they replace.

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PyScript: Python in the Web Browser

written by Eric J. Ma on 2022-05-01 | tags: python web pyscript browser

At yesterday's PyCon 2022 keynote, Anaconda CEO Peter Wang did a big reveal on PyScript, which lets us... (read more)

(591 words, approximately 3 minutes reading time)
Matrices and their connection to graphs

written by Eric J. Ma on 2022-04-02 | tags: network science networkx numpy data science graph graph theory linear algebra matrices matrix math

I will be at ODSC East 2022 teaching Network Analysis Made Simple. We will learn more cool stuff about graphs, their key underlying concepts, and awesome connections to other topics through this tutorial. Hope to see you there! Meanwhile, here's a blog post for your edutainment!

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