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How to think about network visualizations

When you're asked to plot a network, is your first instinct to reach for the "force-directed layout"? If you try searching for the term on the internet, at first glance it sounds like not a bad idea. But once you try plotting anything with a significant number of nodes (one rule of thumb being 30 nodes or more), the visualization descends into a hairball mess.

Ben Sneiderman once said,

"The purpose of visualization is insight, not picture."

Hairballs, unfortunately, impede our ability to gain insight. Hairballs ultimately end up communicating that everything is connected to everything... and that is highly uninformative. What we need is a structured way of building graph visualizations. Is there a way out of this mess?

One answer to the question is yes, and nxviz is intended to be an implementation of network visualizations in Python that guides us network scientists towards thinking clearly about network visualizations. Just as a prism decomposes light into its constituent colours, an effective graph visualization will deconstruct a complex network into interesting structures. Our hope is that nxviz becomes that prism for you.

Grammar of graph visualizations

The key idea espoused in the Grammar of Graphics is that every element in a data visualization should be tied to data. Basically, nothing in a plot should be styled, shaped, or placed without data backing it.

When we follow a grammar of graphics, we gain a framework to think about data visualization in general. In some senses, a grammar of graph visualizations is a subset of a grammar of graphics. What are the components of this grammar, or in other words, the rules by which we compose together a network visualization? Let's try to make sense of it.

Prioritize node placement

The first step out of hairball hell is to think clearly about where we want to place the nodes. Why? This is because nodes usually correspond to entities that sometimes can be grouped and sorted. For example, if a graph is constructed between people, then we may wish to group them by some categorical property (e.g. their hometown or school), and perhaps sort them by some quantitative or ordinal property (e.g. their age or time of entry into a venue). If exact spatial placement is not meaningful but relative spatial placement is, then we might choose to place the nodes along some line segment, such as a line, or a circle.

Map node metadata to visual properties

The node placement step brings us a major step out of hairball hell! Once we are done with node placement, we can go on to style the nodes in a data-driven fashion. If you read and re-read and study the Points of View column in Nature Methods, as well as most other data visualization guides, you'll see some patterns what visual properties of symbols are most easily connected to data.

For quantitative data:

  1. Length and width are the easiest to map;
  2. Area is the next easiest scale on which to perceive scale;
  3. Transparency comes next,
  4. Colour is the last.

In visualizing qualitative data, however, colour is an excellent first choice to begin with, provided you don't have too many categories to visualize (12 is a sane upper limit).

In a graph visualization, the most obvious visual properties that we can control are:

  1. The size (area) of nodes,
  2. Their colour,
  3. And their transparency.

Draw edges

Once the nodes are drawn in, we next concern ourselves with how to draw edges. In most graph visualizations, edges are represented using using lines between the nodes. As such, we don't have to worry about the layout of edges; we only have to concern ourselves with the data-driven styling of the edges. The same principles apply above.

How the lines are drawn may vary from plot type to plot type. For example, in a Hive plot, we may want to use Bezier curves to draw the lines, but in an Arc plot, we may want to use circular arcs instead. Meanwhile, in a Matrix plot, we might choose to use another shape to draw the edge rather than draw in a line. Either way, once we know the placement of the nodes, then we know how to draw in the relation between the two.

Add in annotations

Once the node layout, node styling, and edge styling are complete, we can add in annotations. For example, if there are groupings of nodes present, we can annotate the groups on the appropriate location. If there are colour mappings to quantitative values, then we might want to annotate the color bar on top.

Add in highlights

The final piece is to selectively add in highlights onto the plot. For example, we might wish to highlight a particular edge, or a particular group of edges. Or we might be interested in a particular node, and all of the edges that connect that node to other nodes. We might be concerned with in-edges only, or out-edges only, if we are dealing with a directed graph.


nxviz is designed with composability in mind. A pre-requisite of composability is that we are thinking clearly about what are independently-varying things that we can add up together. Shape and colour, for example, don't interfere with one another, and might be considered independent. Annotations can technically exist independent of node and edge drawing (though it might not be particularly meaningful); there's no deep-seated technical reason why we have to couple them together. Size and shape, by contrast, may get conflated with one another; for example, a square of side 4 units is going to be perceptually smaller than a circle of radius 4 units. The nxviz API is designed such that we can bring layout, styling, annotations and highlights in a composable fashion.


Once we know how to build a single graph visualization, we can extend the visualization through the principle of small multiples to highlight interesting patterns in the graph data that might be obscured looking at it in its totality.

What are the ways in which we might want to slice our data? Because we are building discrete subplots using data, the data we are mapping to each subplot ideally should be categorical in nature. Here's a few examples where we might want to do this.

(1) Hive plots

Hive plots are designed to show two or three groups of nodes and their connections. They aren't designed to do more than three groups because of geometric constraints. That said, we can work around this constraint by extracting triplet subgroups of nodes, thus building a hive panel.

(2) Focusing on edge categories

We might wish to highlight different categories of edges if the edges have categorical metadata available. In each category, we select only a particular subset of edges to plot, while preserving the node set. In this way, we can get an arbitrary graph visualization panel by simply filtering different edges to visualize.

(3) Focusing on node categories

This works similarly to edge categories, except now, we filter the graph for certain categories of nodes. Here, because the node set changes, the edge set will also change.

nxviz graph filtering API

To support building panels, the nxviz graph filtering API (located in the nxviz.filter submodule) provides a few basic ways of filtering a graph.

  1. Filtering edges by a categorical attribute.
  2. Filtering nodes by a categorical attribute.
  3. Filtering edges (all, in-edges, or out-edges) attached to a particular category of nodes.

Because the graph filtering step is usually the piece that is the most hasslesome to write, these are provided in the library.