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Version 0.0.80

This version includes several improvements to the ChatBot, QueryBot, and SimpleBot classes, including new parameters for additional configuration options and improved code readability. It also simplifies the pip install command used in the release-python-package GitHub workflow and removes unnecessary clutter from the codebase.

New Features

  • Added streaming and verbose parameters to the ChatBot class initialization method, providing more flexibility in controlling the chat history streaming and verbosity during the bot initialization (a69c0f) (Eric Ma)

Bug Fixes

  • Simplified the pip install command used in the release-python-package GitHub workflow. The previous command attempted to install all optional dependencies, which is not necessary for writing release notes. The new command only installs the package itself (2dffac) (Eric Ma)


  • Updated parameter names and descriptions in ChatBot, QueryBot, and SimpleBot for consistency and clarity. Added 'streaming' and 'verbose' parameters to SimpleBot for additional configuration options. Improved code readability by breaking up long lines and comments (6c0b37) (Eric Ma)
  • Removed a large block of commented out code from the file, improving readability and reducing clutter in the codebase (7f4b0a) (Eric Ma)


  • Bumped version from 0.0.79 to 0.0.80 (385221) (github-actions)