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This tutorial was written by GPT4 and edited by a human.

The prompt recorder is a class named PromptRecorder that helps in recording prompts and responses. It works as a context manager, allowing you to record prompts and responses within a specific context. Here's a brief overview of how it works:

  1. The PromptRecorder class is initialized with an empty list called prompts_and_responses to store the prompts and responses.

  2. When entering the context manager using the with statement, the __enter__() method is called, which sets the current instance of the PromptRecorder as the active recorder in the prompt_recorder_var context variable.

  3. To log a prompt and response, the log() method is called with the prompt and response as arguments. This method appends the prompt and response as a dictionary to the prompts_and_responses list.

  4. The autorecord() function is provided to be called within every bot. It checks if there is an active PromptRecorder instance in the context and logs the prompt and response using the log() method.

  5. When exiting the context manager, the __exit__() method is called, which resets the prompt_recorder_var context variable to None and prints a message indicating that the recording is complete.

  6. The PromptRecorder class also provides methods to represent the recorded data in different formats, such as a string representation (__repr__()), an HTML representation (_repr_html_()), a pandas DataFrame representation (dataframe()), and a panel representation (panel()).

By using the PromptRecorder class as a context manager, you can easily record prompts and responses within a specific context and then analyze or display the recorded data in various formats.