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Here are the release notes based on the provided commit log:

Version 0.2.5

This release includes a small fix to the plaintext_loader function in the doc_processor module. The file open mode was changed from "r" to "r+" to allow for additional operations on the file if needed in the future.

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Bug Fixes

  • The file open mode in plaintext_loader function was changed from "r" (read-only) to "r+" (read and write). This allows for additional operations on the file if needed in the future. (8251fdc) (Eric Ma)


There are no deprecations in this release.

Note: The commit 48bb8c4 is related to version bump and does not introduce any new features or bug fixes. The commit faa971d is related to adding release notes and does not introduce any new features or bug fixes. Therefore, they are not included in the release notes.