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Version 0.0.84

This new version introduces enhancements to the QueryBot class, adds a notebook for evaluating multiscale embeddings, and updates the funding configuration.

New Features

  • A new notebook for evaluating multiscale embeddings has been added. This notebook, "zotero_multiscale.ipynb", provides an in-depth look at the effectiveness of multiscale embeddings compared to single-scale embeddings in LlamaBot's QueryBot class. It includes an explanation of multiscale embeddings, the motivation behind using them, and the implementation details. It also includes code to load a document from a Zotero library, create instances of QueryBot with different chunk sizes, and test their performance on different prompts. (24f9b6) (Eric Ma)
  • The default chunk_sizes parameter in the QueryBot class has been updated to [2000]. This change ensures that the LlamaIndex TokenTextSplitter uses a chunk size of 2000 tokens by default. (f9d7f6) (Eric Ma)
  • The GitHub funding platform in FUNDING.yml has been updated to use an array instead of a single string to support multiple contributors. (da221f) (Eric Ma)
  • A new funding configuration file has been added to the project. This file includes supported funding model platforms such as GitHub and Patreon. (68c974) (Eric Ma)

Bug Fixes

  • None in this release.


  • None in this release.