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How to Run Llamabot with Ollama


In this guide, you'll learn how to run a chatbot using llamabot and Ollama. We'll cover how to install Ollama, start its server, and finally, run the chatbot within a Python session.

Installation & Setup

Install Ollama

  1. macOS Users: Download here
  2. Linux & WSL2 Users: Run curl | sh in your terminal
  3. Windows Users: Support coming soon.

For more detailed instructions, refer to Ollama's official site.

Running Ollama Server

  1. Open your terminal and start the Ollama server with your chosen model.
ollama run <model_name>


ollama run vicuna

For a list of available models, visit Ollama's Model Library.

Note: Ensure you have adequate RAM for the model you are running.

Running Llamabot in Python

  1. Open a Python session and import the SimpleBot class from the llamabot library.
from llamabot import SimpleBot  # you can also use QueryBot or ChatBot

bot = SimpleBot("You are a conversation expert", model_name="vicuna:7b-16k")

Note: vicuna:7b-16k includes tags from the vicuna model page.

And there you have it! You're now ready to run your own chatbot with Ollama and Llamabot.