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ChatBot Tutorial


This tutorial was written by GPT4 and edited by a human.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the ChatBot class to create a simple chatbot that can interact with users. The chatbot is built using the OpenAI GPT-4 model and can be used in a Panel app.

Getting Started

First, let's import the ChatBot class:

from llamabot import ChatBot

Now, let's create a new instance of the ChatBot class. We need to provide a system prompt, which will be used to prime the chatbot. Optionally, we can also set the temperature and model name:

system_prompt = "Hello, I am a chatbot. How can I help you today?"
chatbot = ChatBot(system_prompt, temperature=0.0, model_name="gpt-4")

Interacting with the ChatBot

To interact with the chatbot, we can simply call the chatbot instance with a human message:

human_message = "What is the capital of France?"
response = chatbot(human_message)

The chatbot will return an AIMessage object containing the response to the human message, primed by the system prompt.

Chat History

The chatbot automatically manages the chat history. To view the chat history, we can use the __repr__ method:


This will return a string representation of the chat history, with each message prefixed by its type (System, Human, or AI).

Creating a Panel App

The ChatBot class also provides a panel method to create a Panel app that wraps the chatbot. This allows users to interact with the chatbot through a web interface.

To create a Panel app, simply call the panel method on the chatbot instance:

app = chatbot.panel(show=False)

By default, the app will be shown in a new browser window. If you want to return the app directly, set the show parameter to False.

You can customize the appearance of the app by providing additional parameters, such as site, title, and width:

app = chatbot.panel(show=False, site="My ChatBot", title="My ChatBot", width=768)

To run the app, you can either call the show method on the app or use the Panel serve function:


import panel as pn

Now you have a fully functional chatbot that can interact with users through a web interface!


In this tutorial, we learned how to use the ChatBot class to create a simple chatbot that can interact with users. We also learned how to create a Panel app to provide a web interface for the chatbot. With this knowledge, you can now create your own chatbots and customize them to suit your needs. Happy chatting!