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This new version brings a number of improvements to the user interface, streamlines the handling of user prompts and Zotero library, and introduces new features such as a document chat bot functionality. It also includes several bug fixes and refactoring of the code for better performance and readability.

New Features

  • Document chat bot functionality has been added. This feature allows users to chat with a document by providing a path to the document (005a10) (Eric Ma)
  • The 'textual' package has been added to the dependencies, enhancing the functionality of the codebase (9b53aa) (Eric Ma)
  • A new Jupyter notebook, patreon_ghostwriter.ipynb, has been introduced in the scratch_notebooks directory. The notebook includes code for a bot that can generate Patreon posts based on provided talking points (849497) (Eric Ma)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in ZoteroLibrary where items were not being loaded from JSONL file (7e9ea4) (Eric Ma)


  • User prompts have been streamlined for consistency across modules, and Zotero library handling has been improved (7e9ea4) (Eric Ma)
  • CLI prompts and exit handling have been streamlined (3c4cc3) (Eric Ma)
  • Instructions for writing commit messages in have been improved for clarity and user-friendliness (942005) (Eric Ma)
  • A function has been renamed to ensure_work_email_on_calendly_events to make it more generic (841c78) (Eric Ma)

Environment and Dependencies

  • Python version has been updated from 3.9 to 3.11, and pre-commit has been removed from dependencies (8f880f) (Eric Ma)
  • Python version has been downgraded from 3.11 to 3.9 to ensure compatibility with existing libraries, and version constraint on bokeh has been removed to use the latest version (0e8bff) (Eric Ma)