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Eliminating for-loops that have carry-over using lax.scan

We are now going to see how we can eliminate for-loops that have carry-over using lax.scan.

From the JAX docs, lax.scan replaces a for-loop with carry-over, with some of my own annotations added in for clarity:

Scan a function over leading array axes while carrying along state.

The semantics are described as follows:

def scan(f, init, xs, length=None):
    if xs is None:
         xs = [None] * length
    carry = init
    ys = []
    for x in xs:
        carry, y = f(carry, x)  # carry is the carryover
        ys.append(y)            # the `y`s get accumulated into a stacked array
    return carry, np.stack(ys)

A key requirement of the function f, which is the function that gets scanned over the array xs, is that it must have only two positional arguments in there, one for carry and one for x. You'll see how we can thus apply functools.partial to construct functions that have this signature from other functions that have more arguments present.

Let's see some concrete examples of this in action.

Example: Cumulative Summation

One example where we might use a for-loop is in the cumulative sum or product of an array. Here, we need the current loop information to update the information from the previous loop. Let's see it in action for the cumulative sum:

import jax.numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17])

result = []
res = 0
for el in a:
    res += el
WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)

DeviceArray([ 1,  3,  6, 11, 18, 29, 42, 59], dtype=int32)

This is identical to the cumulative sum:

DeviceArray([ 1,  3,  6, 11, 18, 29, 42, 59], dtype=int32)

Now, let's write it using lax.scan, so we can see the pattern in action:

from jax import lax

def cumsum(res, el):
    - `res`: The result from the previous loop.
    - `el`: The current array element.
    res = res + el
    return res, res  # ("carryover", "accumulated")

result_init = 0
final, result = lax.scan(cumsum, result_init, a)
DeviceArray([ 1,  3,  6, 11, 18, 29, 42, 59], dtype=int32)

As you can see, scanned function has to return two things:

  • One object that gets carried over to the next loop (carryover), and
  • Another object that gets "accumulated" into an array (accumulated).

The starting initial value, result_init, is passed into the scanfunc as res on the first call of the scanfunc. On subsequent calls, the first res is passed back into the scanfunc as the new res.

Exercise 1: Simulating compound interest

We can use lax.scan to generate data that simulates the generation of wealth by compound interest. Here's an implementation using a plain vanilla for-loop:

wealth_record = []
starting_wealth = 100.0
interest_factor = 1.01
num_timesteps = 100
prev_wealth = starting_wealth

for t in range(num_timesteps):
    new_wealth = prev_wealth * interest_factor
    prev_wealth = new_wealth

wealth_record = np.array(wealth_record)

Now, your challenge is to implement it in a lax.scan form. Implement the wealth_at_time function below.

from functools import partial

def wealth_at_time(prev_wealth, time, interest_factor):
    # The lax.scannable function to compute wealth at a given time.
    # your answer here

# Comment out the import to test your answer
from dl_workshop.jax_idioms import lax_scan_ex_1 as wealth_at_time

wealth_func = partial(wealth_at_time, interest_factor=interest_factor)
timesteps = np.arange(num_timesteps)
final, result = lax.scan(wealth_func, init=starting_wealth, xs=timesteps)

assert np.allclose(wealth_record, result)

The two are equivalent, so we know we have the lax.scan implementation right.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(wealth_record, label="for-loop")
plt.plot(result, label="lax.scan")

Example: Simulating compound interest from multiple starting points

Previously, was one simulation of wealth generation by compound interest from one starting amount of money. Now, let's simulate the wealth generation for different starting wealth levels; onemay choose any 300 starting points however one likes. This will be a demonstration of how to compose lax.scan with vmap to do computation without loops.

To do so, you'll likely want to start with a function that accepts a scalar starting wealth and generates the simulated time series from there, and then vmap that function across multiple starting points (which is an array itself).

from jax import vmap

def simulate_compound_interest(
    starting_wealth: np.ndarray, timesteps: np.ndarray
    final, result = lax.scan(wealth_func, init=starting_wealth, xs=timesteps)
    return final, result

num_timesteps = np.arange(200)
starting_wealths = np.arange(300).astype(float)

simulation_func = partial(simulate_compound_interest, timesteps=np.arange(200))

final, growth = vmap(simulation_func)(starting_wealths)
(300, 200)

Exercise 2: Stick breaking process

The stick breaking process is one that is important in Bayesian non-parametric modelling, where we want to model something that may have potentially an infinite number of components while being biased towards a smaller subset of components.

The stick-breaking process uses the following generative process:

  1. Take a stick of length 1.
  2. Draw a number between 0 and 1 from a Beta distribution (we will modify this step for this notebook).
  3. Break that fraction of the stick, and leave it aside in a pile.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the fraction leftover after breaking the stick.

We repeat ad infinitum (in theory) or until a pre-specified large number of stick breaks have happened (in practice).

In the exercise below, your task is to write the stick-breaking process in terms of a lax.scan operation. Because we have not yet covered drawing random numbers using JAX, the breaking fraction will be a fixed variable rather than a random variable. Here's the vanilla NumPy + Python equivalent for you to reference.

# NumPy equivalent

num_breaks = 30
breaking_fraction = 0.1

sticks = []
stick_length = 1.0
for i in range(num_breaks):
    stick = stick_length * breaking_fraction
    stick_length = stick_length - stick
sticks = np.array(sticks)
DeviceArray([0.1       , 0.09      , 0.081     , 0.0729    , 0.06561   ,
             0.059049  , 0.0531441 , 0.04782969, 0.04304672, 0.03874205,
             0.03486785, 0.03138106, 0.02824295, 0.02541866, 0.02287679,
             0.02058911, 0.0185302 , 0.01667718, 0.01500946, 0.01350852,
             0.01215767, 0.0109419 , 0.00984771, 0.00886294, 0.00797664,
             0.00717898, 0.00646108, 0.00581497, 0.00523348, 0.00471013],            dtype=float32)
def lax_scan_ex_2(num_breaks: int, frac: float):
    # Your answer goes here!

# Comment out the import if you want to test your answer.
from dl_workshop.jax_idioms import lax_scan_ex_2

sticksres = lax_scan_ex_2(num_breaks, breaking_fraction)
assert np.allclose(sticksres, sticks)